The diary

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The day when the students were to go back to Hogwarts came to soon for Amie's liking. She and her parents hugged each other closely before Amie ran through the brick wall.
"Be careful, Amie!" Anne shouted after her.

The train ride flew by. Amie sat with Neville and the others again, and once more she didn't pay attention to anything they were saying. In her head, thoughts were swirling around. Would she tell her friends about what she had found out from her parents? No, she decided. It was one of the things that made her and Hermione such close friends. What would she say to George about her present? And Draco? She had no idea. When the train came to Hogsmeade station, Amie was practically bouncing in her seat, she wanted to see her friends again. They took the carriages up to the castle, and Amie ran all the way up to Gryffindor tower and through the portrait hole. Harry and Ron were there.
"Amie! You're back!" Ron yelled happily.
"We've got loads to tell you." said Harry.

"Tell me later, where's Hermione?" Amie asked, eager to see her.
Harry and Ron shared a look.
"Uh, you better go see for yourself." Ron said.
Amie's blood ran cold.
"No! You don't mean? She's not? Is she?" Amie said.
"Oh! No, no she's fine." Harry assured. "Let's go see her."

When they entered the hospital wing, Amie immediately saw Hermione. Amie burst out laughing both in relief, and at the sight of Hermione. She had black fur on her face, her eyes were slightly yellow, and she had cat ears coming through her bushy hair. At the moment she looked affronted.
"Amie! Why are you laughing at me, it's not funny!" Hermione said.
"I k-know. It's n-not. It's just that I thought it was something worse than this." Amie stuttered out through her laughter. And just like that, she started crying instead of laughing.
"Amie? Come here." Hermione said in a soft voice. Amie obeyed, and went to sit on Hermione's bedside. Hermione hugged her close.
"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I- I'm fine." Amie said. "It's just, I've been worried about you."

"Don't worry about me. There's enough things to worry about as there is. How was your Christmas?"
"It was great." Amie smiled. "I had lots of great gifts, thanks for yours by the way, and I spent time with my grandparents. Best Christmas ever."
"That sounds really nice." Hermione grinned. "Now, to business; you'll be happy to know, Malfoy isn't Slytherin's Heir." Hermione said. Amie bolted upright.
"I totally forgot about that! How did it go?"
Hermione shook her head amusedly.

"Well, seeing as I turned out like this, you'll have to ask the persons who actually had human hair in their potion." Hermione said. Amie turned to Harry and Ron inquiringly.
"He said he wished he knew who Slytherin's Heir was, that way he could help him." Harry said.

Amie's stomach dropped. If Draco said that, he can't possibly care for her, can he?
"At least we know for sure it's not him. Told you so." Amie said, without enthusiasm.
"Yeah." Ron said, rubbing his temples.
Amie excused herself and left the hospital wing quickly. She had to find Draco.


Amie surprisingly found Draco sitting in the library. Even more surprising was the fact that he was alone, which he almost never where during the day time. He was reading a book.
"Draco?" Amie said catiously. Draco's head jerked up.

"Amie! You're back!"
Draco jumped from his seat and gave Amie a quick hug, after checking that the library was, indeed, empty.
"Have a nice Christmas?" Amie asked, sitting down in front of him.
"It was okay, I guess. Crabbe and Goyle were here at least." Draco smiled.

"Must be kind of annoying, having to spend a Christmas with just them. Are they as stupid as they seem?" Amie asked, smirking.
"Yeah, they are." Draco laughed. "How 'bout you? Did you have a nice Christmas?"
"It was awesome." Amie grinned. "Thanks for the bracelet, by the way."
Amie held up her wrist for him to see. The bracelet was dangling there, the pendant with 'friends' written on it was gleaming in the sunlight from the window. Draco smiled.
"You're welcome, I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the Quidditch gloves, they'll come in handy."
"You're welcome." Amie said, then frowned.
"What is it? Is something wrong?" Draco asked worriedly.
"Draco, do you still have a problem with me being a Muggle-born?" Amie asked him.
"No, what makes you think that?" Draco exclaimed.
"It's just, you're so keen on calling everybody else Mudblood, why not me? And it seems like you want Slytherins Heir to rid the school of those 'unworthy to study magic'."

The Mind of Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 2 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now