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"Amie? Amie!?" a voice dragged her into consciousness. WIth a start, Amie jerked awake and practically flew to her feet. Standing in front of her was Neville.
"Oh, Neville, you gave me a fright!" Amie exclaimed, clutching her chest.
"Are you okay? Do you need to go see Madam Pomfrey? What were you doing out here?"
"Er.. I must have been sleep-walking." Amie lied. Neville nodded in understanding.
"I get it, you don't want to tell me. It's fine, Amie." he smiled at her.
"Thanks, Neville. I should probably go change clothes, can't go to the Great hall like this, can I?"
After she changed into her clothes, she walked down to breakfast. It was still pretty early, so there wasn't a lot of students awake yet. Amie sat down by Neville, and they ate in a comfortable silence.
"Uh, Amie?" Neville said, and Amie looked up at him.
"Yeah, Neville?"
"Why is Malfoy staring at you?" he asked gently.
Amie spun around in her seat. Sure enough, Malfoy was sitting alone at the Slytherin table, hardly eating, staring sadly at her. When he saw her looking, he smiled hopefully. Amie gave a curt nod in his direction, signaling that she was thinking about what he had said. Honestly, she had no idea what to do. Would she forgive Malfoy, and risk being hurt over and over, or would she forget about him, and possbly regret it? She did have other friends, but it was a special kind of friendship between her and Malfoy. She didn't know if she wanted to give up on it. And just like that, she figured out what to do.
"I don't know why he's staring at me, Neville. He's probably annoyed or something."
Neville shrugged it off, and went back to his breakfast.

When Amie walked out of the Great hall, she nodded her head towards the entrance, looking at Malfoy. He nodded back at her, a true smile lighting up his face. Amie walked out through the entrance, and waited. Malfoy showed up seconds later, and Amie began walking. They walked all the way down to the lake before Amie turned towards Malfoy.
"Listen. I've decided to accept your apology - UGH!" Malfoy had suddenly jumped at her, and was hugging her hard.
"Thank you, Amie!" he said happily.
"Can't-breathe!" Amie panted, thinking that being hugged to death was happening a lot to her.
"Sorry." Malfoy said, looking sheepish when he pulled away.
"No problem." Amie said, smiling broadly. She was glad she had her friend back. "It's only, I wasn't finished."
"Oh?" Draco said, looking nervous.
"Yes, I just wanted you to know that if you ever hurt me like that again, you are in so much trouble."
Draco looked almost scared now, he knew what she was capable of.
"Tell you what; if I ever hurt you again, I give you permission to punish me in whichever way you find good enough. Just don't ignore me again, okay?" he pleaded.
"I can live with that. Just try not to hurt me in the first place." Amie teased.
Draco only smiled at her.


Now that Amie and Draco were friends again, Amie found herself in a better mood, and everyone noticed. Amie divided her time between Harry, Hermione and Ron, Fred and George, homework and Quidditch practice. And whenever they could meet, Amie and Draco went out by the lake or to a classroom during night. Surprisingly, neither of them were ever caught by the professors. Soon enough, Halloween was upon them, which meant, that that evening they were going to Sir Nicholas' - Nearly-headless Nick's - deathday party.
"I wish I hadn't accepted Nick's invitation." said Harry. Amie knew he was thinking about the splendid food, the spooky decorations, and the fact that Dumbledore could have booked dancing skeletons for the entertainment. Amie was pleased she didn't have to go to the Great hall that night, since it would smell of pumpkin in there, and Amie hated pumpkin.
"A promise is a promise." Hermione told Harry sternly. "You said you'd go to the deathday party."
"Yeah, Harry. And you never know, it could be fun!" Amie said excitedly.

At seven o'clock that night, Amie and the others walked past the Great hall, and down to the dungeons. Amie could see Harry looking longingly into the hall, so she grabbed his arm and dragged him away. The closer they got towards them room where the party was being held, the colder and darker it got. Amie shivered and held her robes close.
"Is that supposed to be music?" Ron asked, because a horrible noise could be heard, and it sounded like fingers scraping against a blackboard. They turned a corner and found Nick floating in front of a door covered in black velvet curtains.
"My dear friends..." Nick said sorrowfully. "Welcome, welcome... So pleased you could come..."
"Thank you for inviting us, Sir Nicholas." Amie said politely.
Nick took off his hat and bowed them inside. When they walked in they saw ghosts. Ghosts everywhere. White, transparent people waltzing around to the horrible sound of musical saws. It was so cold in there that their breaths was rising in the air in front of them.
"Shall we have a look around?" Harry asked.
"Careful not to walk through anyone." Ron said.
They walked on the edge of the dancefloor, passing gloomy nuns, the Fat Friar of the Hufflepuff house, the Bloody Baron of the Slytherin house, and many other creepy-looking ghosts.
"Oh, no." Hermione exclaimed horrified. "Turn back, turn back, I don't want to talk to Moaning Myrtle-"
"Who?" Harry asked, while Amie froze.
"She haunts one of the toilets in the girl's bathroom on the first floor." Hermione explained.
"She haunts a toilet?"
"Yes. It's been out-of-order all year because she keeps having tantrums and flooding the place. I never went in there anyway if I could avoid it; it's awful trying to have a pee with her wailing at you-"
"Look, food!" Ron interrupted. Amie smiled to herself. Oh, Ron.
They walked up to the table with the food, but then stopped dead in their tracks. The food was all rotten and mouldy. Amie could see Ron looking disgusted that someone would let food go to such a waste. Suddenly, a ghost approached the table, bent down, and walked through the table with his mouth open going through the rotten salmon.
"Can you taste it if you walk through it?" Harry asked him, amazed.
"Almost." the ghost replied sadly, and drifted off.
"I excpect they've let it to rot to give it more flavor." Hermione said, and leaned closer to the food.
"Can we move? I feel sick." Ron said, and he did look like it. He was green in the face.
A man swooped down in front of them when they turned around.
"Hello, Peeves." Harry said cautiously. Peeves was a prankful poltergeist, and always caused trouble.
"Nibbles?" he asked, holding out a bowl of nuts covered in fungus.

The Mind of Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 2 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now