The truth will out

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It was almost dark in the hospital wing. Amie couldn't see anyone, except for the other petrified people. Hermione was lying closest to her, just like in the vision. Amie jumped out of bed, and then had to grab on to the bed so she wouldn't fall, she was dizzy and her eyesight was clouding up.

"Oh my Merlin! Thank goodness!" exclaimed a voice from a few feet away. Amie started to turn around when suddenly she was wrapped up in a hug. Amie was trying to catch a look of the persons face, but since her eyes were so fuzzy, she couldn't be sure of who it was.

"Uh, excuse me? Who is this?" Amie said.

The person stepped away from Amie, and finally her eyes focused. It was Madam Pomfrey.

"I am so relieved that you have finally woken up; never have I ever been so worried about a student!"

"How long have I been 'sleeping' for?" Amie wondered.

"Less than a month, it's still May." Madam Pomfrey said, smiling warmly at Amie. "Now, Miss Jones, how are you feeling? You should get back into bed."

Madam Pomfrey went back into her professional-mode and started ushering Amie back into bed. Amie, however, wasn't going to let herself be put in bed like that.

"I am fine, I've spent enough time in bed, Madam Pomfrey, thank you." Amie said, almost rudely.

"Miss Jones! You have been unconscious for several weeks, and your body need to recover from its' trauma."

"I'm so sorry Madam Pomfrey, but I cannot stay. I need to find McGonagall!" Amie said and ran from the hospital wing, even though her muscles were screaming, and her legs almost folded underneath her. That's what not moving for several weeks does to you - her muscles weren't very strong anymore.

The corridors where empty, which made Amie wonder if her last vision had already happened. If it had, Ginny was in the Chamber of Secrets, and Harry and Ron were probably down there too, trying to save her. Amie's first stop was in Moaning Myrtle's corridor.

'Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever'

The writing on the wall was already there, and Amie's fear was true. Amie ran into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and found that one of the sinks had shrunk down into the floor, creating a slide. Amie yelled out in terror; two of her best friends and one of them's little sister was down there.

"Oh, no - no!" Amie said, and then turned on her feet and ran all the way to McGonagall's office.

"Miss Jones!" yelled Professor McGonagall when Amie burst through the door. McGonagall's office was crowded; Professor Dumbledore was there, along with Mr. and Mrs Weasley.

"Professor! Ginny's been taken, hasn't she?" Amie gasped.

At Amie's words, Mrs Weasley sobbed harder in her handkerchief.

"Miss Jones, how do you know that?" McGonagall inquired. "And when did you wake up?"

"I woke up less than half an hour ago, and I know because I had visions almost the entire time I was unconscious." Amie answered.

"Come and sit down, Miss Jones." Professor Dumbledore said, conjuring up another chair. He himself was standing up by the fireplace, and he must have sensed Amie's distress, even though she was trying her hardest to hold it in. Amie nodded to Dumbledore, and sat down in the chair.

"Now, what did you see, Miss Jones?" Dumbledore asked kindly, walking up to her, and laying his hand comfortingly on her shoulder. Amie sniffed.

"Everything. My own attack, Harry and Ron finding out what the monster was and where the Chamber is, Professor McGonagall telling the staff about Ginny, Harry and Ron going to tell Lockhart what they know, and instead they find out that he plans on fleeing and didn't do all the things in his books. And now I think that Harry and Ron have gone down to the Chamber of Secrets to rescue Ginny!"

The Mind of Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 2 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now