Christmas surprises

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The following days were chaotic. The double attack had everyone in a panic, and they were all wondering who or what could petrify a ghost? People were still afraid of Harry, and although he hadn't been expelled, they still thought him guilty. Amie glared at whoever dared to look at him in the wrong way, she was very protective of her friend. The Christmas holiday was almost upon them, and Amie was both glad and worried that she got to go home.
"At this rate, we'll be the only ones left," said Ron. Nearly everyone was spending the Christmas at home. "us, Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. What a jolly holiday it's going to be." he said sarcastically.
They were, indeed, the only ones staying at Hogwarts. Amie could tell that Harry was happy about it, since everyone was behaving badly when it came to him. People hissed, pointed and muttered everytime he went by, and it was really getting at Amie's nerves. Fred and George, at least, thought it was quite funny that everyone thought Harry was Slytherin's Heir. They started walking infront of Harry, yelling;

"Make way for the Heir of Slytherin, seriously evil wizard coming through..."

Percy didn't like it, but Amie thought he was a huge prat anyways, who cared what he thought?

"It is not a laughing matter." Percy told Fred and George coldly one day.

"Oh, get out of the way, Percy. Harry's in a hurry." Fred said.
Amie giggled at Percy's face.

"Yeah, he's off to the Chamber of Secrets for a cup of tea with his fanged servant." George chuckled.

Amie burst out in laughter at that point, it really was funny. George grinned at her. Someone who agreed with Percy on the matter, was Ginny. She was very quiet these days, and always seemed close to tears. Whenever she saw Fred and George asking Harry who he was going to attack next, or when they tried to ward him off with a glove of garlic, she cried out;
"Oh, don't."
Amie couldn't figure out what the matter was, but she hoped Ginny would feel better soon. In the meantime, Amie was happy that Fred and George did what they did, it meant that they believed that Harry was innocent.

Someone else that Amie and the others had noticed didn't approve of Fred and George's antics was Draco Malfoy. He looked angry every time they did it, and Amie wondered what was up with him.
"It's because he's bursting to say it's really him." Ron told Harry in a would-be-knowingly voice. "You know how he hates anyone beating him at anything, and you're getting all the credit for his dirty work."

"Not for long." Hermione said. "The Polyjuice Potion's nearly ready. We'll be getting the truth out of him any day now."
"Oh, come off it." Amie said. "Haven't I already told you, it's not him. I was right about it not being Snape last year, why not this?"
Neither Harry, Hermione nor Ron answered.


The day of the Christmas holidays came, and Amie took the train home. She shared a compartment with Neville, Seamus and Dean, who were all happy to be going home. Amie spent the entire ride sleeping, otherwise she would have been too worried about the others. When the train finally stopped, Amie hurried to take her bag and ran the whole way to where her parents were waiting for her, at King's Cross.
"Mum! Dad!" Amie yelled, tears starting to fall at the sight of her parents. She hadn't realized, but she had really missed them, especially with everything going on at Hogwarts. Anne and David Jones wrapped their daughter up in a tight hug, and they stood there for several moments.

"Have you had a good term?" David smiled down at her.

Amie was stumped, what could she tell them? If she told them the truth, maybe they wouldn't let her go back?
"Er.. Ehm..." Amie said, and her parents looked at her curiously.
"Is everything alright, honey? Is something wrong?" Anne asked worriedly.

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