The in-between

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Amie didn't know what to feel, or what to do. She still hadn't woken up from the vision, instead she found herself drifting from place to place; from vision to vision. The first one she had was Professor McGonagall addressing the Gryffindor house. Amie had never seen her looking so grave, and the news she told weren't so good either.

"There has been a triple-attack. I am sorry to inform you that Miss Penelope Clearwater, a sixth year Ravenclaw and Miss Hermione Granger, a second year of your own house has been petrified." McGonagall said, looking around the common room.

"But Professor, you said it was a triple-attack -?" interrupted a seventh year.

"I did indeed, Mr. Brett." McGonagall said, looking as if she was about to cry. "No one knows what is wrong with Miss Amie Jones, also a Gryffindor second year. She is not petrified, nor is she dead. She is breathing, and her heart is beating. But other than that, there is no sign of life. We don't know if she will survive." a small tear actually escaped from McGonagall's eye, and rolled down her cheek. Amie was touched that her professor cared so much.

"Now, I need to inform you on some new rules." McGonagall went on, wiping away the tear. "All students will return to their House common rooms by six o' clock in the evening. No student is to leave the dormitories after that time. You will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No student is to use the bathroom unaccompanied by a teacher. All further Quidditch training and matches are to be postponed. There will be no more evening activities." McGonagall rolled up her scroll that she had read the rules from and choked out:

"I need hardly add that I have rarely been so distressed. It is likely that the school will be closed unless the culprit of these attacks is caught. I would urge anyone who thinks they might know anything about them to come forward."

Amie had looked around before the scene dissolved. Everyone looked really sad, but none more than Amie's closest friends. Harry and Ron was sitting together in a corner, silently. Fred and George was serious for once, the smiles were far away on their faces. Most people were talking quietly to the person closest to them. Percy was sitting alone, looking pale. But Amie doubted it had something to do with her, it probably had something to do with that Penelope girl.

Amie's vision cleared again, and when she looked around she saw that she was in Hagrid's hut. Hagrid was bustling about, he seemed to be to nervous to sit down. There was a crossbow lying on the big wooden table, and Fang was on the floor following Hagrid with his eyes. Amie knew she should be scared of Fang, she was usually, but now that neither Hagrid or Fang could see or touch her, she wasn't scared at all. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Hagrid snatched up the crossbow from the table. When he flung the door open, he aimed the crossbow straight at Harry and Ron, both of them looked very surprised.

"Oh," Hagrid said, lowering the crossbow. "What're you two doin' here?"
"What's that for?" asked Harry as he and Ron made their way into the hut.
"Nothin' - Nothin' -" said Hagrid. "I've been expecting - doesn't matter - sit down - I'll make tea-"

The scene blurred for a bit, and when it cleared Harry and Ron was gone. In their place was Dumbledore, and a man Amie had never seen before.
"Bad business, Hagrid." said the man. "Very bad business. Had to come. Five attacks on Muggle-borns. Things've gone far enough. Ministry's got to act."
"I never." said Hagrid shocked, turning his gaze to Dumbledore. "You know I never, Professor Dumbledore, sir-"
"I want it understood, Cornelius, that Hagrid has my full confidence." said Dumbledore.
"Look, Albus." said Cornelius. "Hagrid's record's against him. Ministry's got to do something - the school governors have been in touch -"
"Yet again, Cornelius, I tell you that taking Hagrid away will not help in the slightest." said Dumbledore, looking almost royal.

The Mind of Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 2 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now