The smashing tree

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When they arrived at the platform close to Hogwarts, at last, they shared a carriage up to the castle with Neville, Seamus and Dean. Amie and Hermione didn't speak much, they were worried about the boys, but Seamus and Dean talked enough for all of them. The previous year, Amie hadn't talked to them much, but now she quickly learnt that they were really nice, and quite funny. Neville was quiet, as usual, because he was shy. Or it could be that he was trying to find out if he had forgotten something at home, he had a very bad memory. But Amie knew that he was still very sweet, and a really good friend, if you got to know him. Sadly, Amie didn't think he had a real close friend at Hogwarts. The carriage finally pulled up by the castle, and they all went in and sat at the Gryffindor table. As soon as Amie sat down, her eyesight was lost. She saw a blue Ford Anglia flying on the grounds of Hogwarts, but it was out of control, and flew straight into a tree that started smashing it. The next thing she saw before the vision ended, was Harry and Ron, sitting in the car, looking terrified. As soon as Amie could see again, she jumped from her seat and ran up to the staff table.
"Professor!" Amie panted to Dumbledore, who sat in the middle seat.
"Miss Jones? Whatever is the matter?" Dumbledore asked kindly.
"It's Harry and Ron! They missed the train, and I just had a vision, they flew straight into a tree that started smashing the car, and I don't know if they survived, the vision ended!" Amie said, panicking.
"Severus." Dumbledore said, turning to Snape. "Find them, start by the Whomping Willow. Take them to your office, Minerva and I will join you."
As soon as Snape got the order, he nodded and left the table.

"Come to my office, after the feast, Miss Jones." Dumbledore told Amie. Amie bowed her head, and made her way back to Hermione.
"Amie, what happened! Are you alright?" Hermione asked, looking confused and worried.
"I'm fine, Hermione, it's Harry and Ron I'm worried about." Amie told Hermione about her vision in a hushed voice. She didn't need more people knowing about her psychic abilities.
"They flew a car into the Whomping Willow?" Hermione said, going pale. She didn't even bother keeping her voice down, and several people looked their way, which only added to the people already looking because of Amie's sprint up to Dumbledore. They didn't have anymore time to talk about it, though, because just then, McGonagall came in with the first years. She placed the Sorting Hat in front of them all, and it started it's song. Amie didn't catch any of it, only that it wasn't the same as the year before. Hermione constanly shot worried glances Amie's way.

After the sorting was over with, McGonagall promtly left, leaving Dumbledore behind for a few moments. He said the magic words which made the food appear, they started eating, and the babble broke out throughout the hall. Then Dumbledore, too, left the Great Hall. Amie felt horrible. She didn't know if her friends were alive, and if they were alive they were now being yelled at by Snape and McGonagall. Dumbledore would probably be nice to them, but he would be disappointed. Amie knew that Harry looked up to Dumbledore, so that would be tough on him. Amie just hoped they wouldn't be expelled.  After eating as much as she could in these conditions, Amie asked Percy what the new password was, before leaving the hall and heading up to the dormitories. She let Chrystal out, before going downstairs and sitting infront of the fire in the common room. She wanted someone to talk to, but what would she say if someone did talk to her? Amie fell asleep for a few minutes, before almost all Gryffindors entered the common room. She decided Dumbledore would probably be in his office by now, he did ask to see her. When she approached the stone gargoyles guarding Dumbledore's office, they just moved aside without hearing the password. Amie went up the staircase and knocked on the door.
"Come in." said Dumbledore. Amie opened up the door and went to sit in front of Dumbledore's desk.
"Are Harry and Ron okay, sir?" Amie asked, timidly.
"They are both perfectly fine, and they were not expelled, if you're wondering." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye, and Amie let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
"Now, to the matter at hand, your visions. Am I right in saying that you didn't have this vision when you were sleeping?"
Amie nodded.
"Ah, I see. How long have you had visions when you were awake?"
"Ever since a few weeks ago. And these visions I have now are always close to happening. Not like the ones when I'm dreaming, they can be months away." Amie replied.

"That might be a problem, I'm sure. Please come to me immediately if you have an important vision, like this one. If you can not find me, tell Professor McGonagall. Okay?"
Amie nodded again.
"Very well then, you may head back to your common room, I'm sure you're tired."
"Thank you, sir." Amie said, and left the office.

Amie ran back to the common room, eager to find Harry and Ron, only to find out that they had gone to bed. She was disappointed, but at the same time she understood them - it was rather late, and Percy did not look very happy about it all, even though the rest of Gryffindor house was celebrating in the common room. Fred and George seemed torn between thinking Harry and Ron were awesome for arriving the way they did, and moping about not thinking about it themselves. They didn't stop talking about it until Amie yelled at them for not caring about their little brother's safety, while Hermione ranted about them breaking the rules. Amie giggled at Hermione's antics for a little bit, before heading up to her bed, falling asleep at once.


Another short chapter, but by doing short ones, I can update more often :) Next one might be longer, but I can't promise anything! Hope you liked it! Comment! Bye! :D

EDITED 4/12-2013

The Mind of Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 2 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now