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Amie's POV:

Oh no. What do I do, I didn't need them to find out too. Fred and George sat down in our compartment and looked at me as if I was a puzzle. My heart beat fast.
"Stop looking at me like that! It creeps me out..." I said, looking down at my shoes.
"Looking at you like what?" the twins say, in sync. Hermione snorts.
"Honestly, you should see yourselves. Stop staring at her, she's got enough on her plate already."
I feel a flow of warmth towards my best friend, I love her so much. I walked over to her and hugged her to show her what it meant to me.
"Thanks, Hermione. I appreciate it, but I can't keep it from them now, can I?" I ask her, and she shakes her head with a sympathetic smile. I turn to the twins, who are just looking at us.
"How much did you hear?" I ask them.
"Well, we came here just when Hermione said that you only had visions when you're sleeping, so, pretty much everything, I think." said George. I groan.
"Why did you keep this from us, Amie?" asks Fred, looking hurt. "I thought we were friends, don't you trust us?"
"Of course I trust you! It's not that, I promise. I didn't even tell Hermione, Harry and Ron until one of my visions came true!"
"Wow. We are never gonna be able to prank her again, Fred." said George.
"I think you're right, George." Fred answered. But none of them stopped looking at me.
"We still think you could have told us, you can trust us with anything." George said.
"I know, I know. I just don't want people thinking I'm weird, and Dumbledore didn't want me to tell either."
"Dumbledore knows?" Fred said (HAH, rhyming!), looking surprised.
"Well, obviously. My visions were sort of important." I say, teasingly.
"Important how?" George asks.
"Yeah, well. I did kinda predict Harry's face-off with Quirrell. Although I didn't see enough to know what it was all about..."
"We have to talk more about this sometime, Amie. Don't worry, we won't say anything." said George.
"Yeah, your secret's safe with us. But now we will go back to Lee. See you." Fred says, smiling wickedly. They walk off.
"That went well." Hermione says. I look at her, and suddenly I can't stop laughing. I don't really know what's so funny, but I can't hold it in. Hermione looks at me as if I'm crazy, hey everyone's crazy, but she's laughing all the same.
"Can't-breathe!" I pant.
"Me-neither!" Hermione gasps, making me laugh even louder.
It takes several minutes for us to calm down, and we sit with big grins on our faces, wiping away tears of joy.
"Don't ever change, okay Amie?" Hermione says to me. I smile at her.
"I won't if you won't." I say back. We pinky-swear on it.

"Well, isn't this touching." a new voice says. It's Draco, and I need to hold myself in to not jump up and hug him - it's been so long!
"What do you want, Malfoy?" Hermione asks him, sounding very annoyed. I almost laugh again.
"I came to speak with Jones, do you mind?" he asks, sounding nicer than normal. Hermione casts a searching look towards me, and I nod to her that it's okay. Her eyes narrow in suspition, but she leaves us anyway. I turn my attention to Draco, and he smiles at me, sitting down.
"You know you can't do this, right? She is bound to find out, and I didn't think you wanted that?"
"No, I don't. But not for the reason you think. My parents would kill me if they knew we were friends." he says. "But I needed to see you."
"Oh, why is that?" I ask, curious.
"I've got something for you." he admits, reaching into his pocket. He takes out a red, leather-bound book, with golden edges.
"Oh, thank you, Draco. It's really pretty. But what is it?" I'm confused, why did Draco Malfoy give me a book, of all things.
"It's not for reading, if you're wondering." Draco says. "It's for writing. I don't know if we'll be able to meet much during nights, it might be dangerous. I'm giving you that book so we can write to eachother instead. If you write, I'll see it in my book, and you will see what I write in yours. You'll be safer if you don't wander around the corridors, I don't want you to get hurt again." he blushes.
"Thank you, Draco. It's great." I give him a hug. "But why might it be dangerous for me?"
"Uh.. We might get caught by the professors." he says, and I know he's lying. But his face is pleading with me not to ask, so I keep quiet.

Third POV:

When Draco left the compartment, Hermione entered seconds later.
"What did he want?" she asked accusingly.
"Nothing, just wanted to taunt me about getting hurt last year, I guess."
"Oh, don't give me that! You are a really bad liar, you know that? What's that?" Hermione points towards the book in Amie's hands. Amie's hair turned so blonde it was almost white.
"N-nothing." she stutters, trying to hide it from view. Hermione grabs it, and opens it to the first page.
"It's not nothing, that's for sure." Hermione says, turning the book around and holding it in front of Amie's face. Amie paled, because written on the first page was a message from Draco.

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, it's dangerous.
Stay out of trouble, and I hope Granger doesn't bother you.

"Why haven't you told me about this?" Hermione asks, looking betrayed. Amie sighs.
"I'm sorry, okay. I knew you wouldn't approve, and neither would Harry and Ron, so I kept it a secret. Draco and I do not want anyone to know we're friends, it would just make everything difficult." Amie rambled, trying to say everything at once.
"Amie!" Hermione screams. Amie shut up. "Finally, I thought I was gonna have to hit you or something." surprisingly, Hermione didn't look angry anymore.
"You're not mad?" Amie whispered.
"No, I'm not mad. I'm furious that you didn't say anything to me, and I think you should tell Harry and Ron, but no, I'm not mad." Hermione smiled.
"Really?" Amie thought it was almost to good to be true.
"Really." Hermione laughed. "If he's nice to you, it's okay with me. You know you can tell me everything, we're best friends!"
Amie couldn't hold her tears in, and she jumped at Hermione, hugging her close.
"Thank you." she murmured into Hermione's bushy hair.


Don't really have much to say. Comment! Bye! 

EDITED 4/12-2013

The Mind of Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 2 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now