The understanding

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Amie woke up around eight in the morning, now perfectly well rested. She could still feel the pain of the loss of her grandmother, but she decided she wouldn't let it put her down. Delia Crockney would never want her granddaughter to stop living happily. Amie was glad to find the hospital wing void of people, Draco had obviously understood that she needed time by herself. Since she was now feeling better compared to yesterday, Amie climbed out of bed and went to Madam Pomfrey's office.
"Yes? Come in?" Madam Pomfrey said when Amie knocked on the door. Amie walked in to see the matron sitting by her desk, looking over some paper.
"Hi, Madam Pomfrey." Amie greeted. Madam Pomfrey turned her chair over and smiled at Amie.
"Hello, Miss Jones. Are you feeling any better?"
"Loads. Thank you, Madam Pomfrey." Amie said.
"You're very welcome, dear."
"I'm just wondering, can I leave now?" Amie asked hopefully.
"I see no reason for keeping you here, I couldn't find a deeper reason for your headache, so it was probably only just a headache. You may go, if you wish. Just take care of your head, Miss Jones."
Amie smiled broadly, said her thanks, and left the hospital wing. She was not about to tell Madam Pomfrey about what exactly did cause the headache, because then she would have to relive her 'vision', and she just wanted to forget about it.

"Amie!" a voice shouted from her left when Amie was about to walk into the Great hall.
"Hermione!" Amie shouted back at her, when Hermione wrapped her up in a tight hug.
"Are you okay? You said that you had a stomach ache, but when we came down to the hospital wing after class yesterday Madam Pomfrey said that you had passed out from a head ache! What happened?" Hermione asked worriedly.
"I had some sort of vision. I don't want to talk about it, it doesn't concern anyone but me anyway. Can we just eat?" Amie said, feeling tears form in her eyes. She angrily swept them off.

"Of course." Hermione said with wide eyes, obviously having seen the tears.

They entered the Great hall, and went to sit down at the Gryffindor table. Amie started loading her plate with lots of food, she was starving due to having missed dinner yesterday.
"I have something to tell you two." Harry said, addressing Amie and Hermione. "I was working with the diary last night, and I wrote in it. It wrote back - Tom Riddle wrote back."
"What did he say?" Hermione gasped.

"He showed me one of his memories. He went to see the headmaster from back then - apparently he had sent a letter asking if he could stay at Hogwarts for the summer holidays, he didn't want to go back to the orphanage he lived at. And then Professor Dippet said that it was likely that the school would close if Slytherin's Heir and the monster wasn't caught. He mentioned that someone had died. So Riddle went to find the person he thought was responsible for the attack." Harry said, feeling the tension. "It's Hagrid. Hagrid opened the chamber fifty years ago. Apparently the monster is a great big spider, and Hagrid kept it in a box. Riddle was going to kill it, but it ran away."

Amie and Hermione was quiet, shocked into silence.

"It can't be Hagrid. It doesn't make sense! No - no!" Amie gasped. Harry looked at her with sad eyes.

"Riddle might've got the wrong person." said Hermione. "Maybe it was some other monster that was attacking people."

"How many monsters d'you think this place can hold?" asked Ron.

Amie thought about the giant three-headed dog, Fluffy, that they stumbled upon last year. Both Fluffy and Norbert the Norwegian ridgeback had belonged to Hagrid. Amie felt a tear rolling down her face.
"We always knew Hagrid had been expelled." said Harry. "And the attacks must have stopped after Hagrid was kicked out. Otherwise, Riddle wouldn't have got his award."

"Riddle does sound like Percy - who asked him to squeal on Hagrid, anyway?" said Ron.
"But the monster had killed someone, Ron." said Hermione sadly.

The Mind of Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 2 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now