8. Aslan's Hole

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Clara felt that someone was breathing on her face so she opened her eyes to see Toothless' head over hers "What is it Bud?" she asked. 

Toothless looked at her, Clara sat up and saw that Lucy and Peter was gone, she got up and looked around, but she couldn't see them. "Everyone get up" Clara said. 

Edmund, Susan and Trumpkin got up, "What's wrong?" Trumpkin asked "Peter and Lucy isn't here" Clara said. Edmund and Susan looked around while Toothless bent his head down to the ground, and started to sniffed after them.

Clara looked at Toothless "Can you smell them, Bud? Where are they?" she asked "We can't wait, what if something has happy to them, we need to find them" Susan said. 

Toothless walked some steps forward and sniffed to the ground, Clara walked over next to him and looked at the ground where some footsteps was "Well, I can see that Lucy got up and walk away like she was looking for something, and according to the other footsteps, Peter followed her few minutes after, they went that way" Clara said and pointed farther into the forest. Edmund looked surprised at her "How can you know that?" he asked. Clara got up and looked at him "When you have live in the forest a long time, you learn a thing or two" Clara said and smiled to him causing Edmund to smile back. 

Then Clara and the others followed the footstep.


"STOP" Lucy yelled and came up on the little hill and looked at Peter and the young soldier, Peter and the young soldier looked at Lucy and then on each other, "CASPIAN" a voice said, the soldier looked to the left and saw Clara came running up and stood next to Lucy.

Caspian had Peter's sword and Peter stood with a stone in his hand. 

"Really Caspian, I leave you alone for a little time and you are already in trouble. I think I should be the one babysitting you and not the other way around" Clara said with a smile. 

Peter looked at Caspian "Prince Caspian!" he said "Yeah and who are you?" Caspian asked "PETER" Susan yelled and she, Edmund and Trumpkin came up and stood next to Lucy and Clara, Caspian looked at the siblings, he then looked at Peter's sword, it had a golden lion head on it.

Caspian looked at Peter "High king Peter!" he said "I believe you call!" Peter said "Yeah but I thought you were older" Caspian said, "Well, if you like, we can come back in a few years" he said and was about to turn around "No, is not... You are not what I have expecting" Caspian said and spotted Susan.

"Neither are you" Edmund said and looked at a Minotaur "A common enemy can collects even an elderly opponent" Trufflehunter said. 

Marty and Riley walked over to Clara "Your Majesty, good you are here" Marty said "We have been worried about you" Riley said and Clara smiled "I am okay guys" she said. 

Reepicheep walked over to Peter, "Your Majesty, we are ready to followed your order" he said. "Oh he is so cute" Lucy whispered to Susan and Reepicheep drew his sword "Who said that?" he yelled and looked around. Lucy looked at Reepicheep "Sorry" she said. Reepicheep looked at her "Your Majesty, I am sorry" he said and put his sword down. Trufflehunter walked over to Peter "The army is ready, sir" he said "Good, because we need all the weapons we can find" Peter said and looked at Caspian "Well, then I assume you want your own back" he said and gave Peter his sword "We will also need a place to be" Peter said "We know a place, followed me" Caspian said.


Clara and the others walked in a line through the forest, Nikabrik and Trufflehunter walked next to Trumpkin "So what do you think about them?" Trufflehunter asked. "Complains, stubborn as mules in the morning " Trumpkin said "So, you like them" Nikabrik said and Trumpkin looked at him "They are okay" he said. 

Caspian, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Clara walked in front of the army, Clara walked up next to Caspian "So, thanks to me, we found them, now we can go to war and you can take your revenge over Miraz for killing your father" Clara said and Caspian looked at her "Starting with this again, I still don't believe that Miraz killed my father, you can believe all you want about what happen to your father, but I still believe what Miraz had told me about how my father die" Caspian said and Clara looked at him "Just wait one day you will see it" she said angry and took some steps back.

Edmund came up and walked next to Clara "Hey you okay?" he asked "Is just, Caspian still don't believe me, I just hope, that he will open his eyes one day and I hope that when he does that, is not too late" Clara said "Well, I believe you" Edmund said and looked at her, Clara looked at him and smiled, he smiled back. There was something about Edmund, Clara couldn't explain, it was like she could tell him everything.


Clara and the others came out of the forest, they saw some ruins that looked like a small castle, it was laying on a big field and around it was the forest. "This is Aslan's Hole" Caspian said. 

They walked over to the ruins, they saw some centaur there stood in a line on each side of the entrance to the ruin. The army stopped, and Caspian looked at the siblings, he want them to go first, because they were the high kings and queens. Edmund looked at his siblings, they looked at him before he looked at Clara. Peter, Lucy and Susan looked at Clara, she looked at them, they wanted her to go first in, Clara looked at Edmund who nodded, and she took some steps forward before she started walking over to the entrance, Toothless was right behind her. Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy were few steps behind her, Caspian and the others were few steps behind them. The centaur lifted their sword and hold them over Clara and the others.

Time skip...

Caspian, Lucy, Susan, Peter, Edmund and Clara was deep into the ruins, Clara saw the murals on the wall, she stood next to Caspian who stood with a torch in his hand, while Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter looked at the murals, the murals was them and all the have experience when they were in Narnia for the first time, and where they were at war against the white witch. "Is us. All of this for us, why?" Lucy asked. "You really don't know" he said, Peter and the others looked at him "Followed me" he said. 

They followed Caspian, deeper into the ruins, they came to a little room where a big square stone lay in the middle of the room, the stone was broken in the middle, Caspian light the room on with the torch and they saw a wall where there was a carving of Aslan, Lucy walked over to the stone and she looked at the carving of Aslan, she turned her head and looked back at her siblings "He knew what he is doing" she said and looked at Susan, "And now, is up to us" Peter said and Lucy looked at him before she looked back at the carving. 

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