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If you know, I have a dog named Dominick.
If you know know him, you probably know that I despise him.
But- I think this is really funny...

My cat Toby, as you pribably know, male cats spray, and he just sprayed his leg. :/

I couldn't help but die laughing at this.


This also goes with the title, but in a different way, my cat Callie just another litter...

Five kittens though.

We figured on-after we took her to the vet-that she had a high temperature and it could possibly kill her at 3-4 days.

But we're sure she'll live.

Still, she may lose it.


AnYwAy. Another thing for the title. (I may have said this...)

I'm looking at my Sing!
And... I keep on looking at this one a$$hole....

He's got more than 6k followers and acts like it's an advantage to his power.

So... He really, hates me. For the dumbest reason. Example..?


This is the last time I got to talk to him, and it went like this...

I was doing a live stream.

After switching with his live stream.

I was singing Brothers in Arms, by DAgames

And after, be started telling me to do a face reveal.

I obviously declined.

And he started begging, saying he showed his face in his live stream.

Well, this is already terrible to say because I never ASKED to see your face.

But then I kept declining then be got pissed and said, "You act like I'm trying to get you to show your dick."



Seriously dying...

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