Alone (F.I. x G.W.)

960 25 4

Words- 1016

Daddy- Gerard Way
Little- Frank Iero
Song- "Golden" by Fall Out Boy

Gerard left his little boy on the couch, tucked into the corner, making sure Mikey and Ray were close around when he left. He thought he wouldn't be gone for long, and he wouldn't leave his baby alone for long.

Frank quietly whimpered out, nuzzling into the couch. Mikey disregarded the small boy as he tucked him into the blanket more. He relaxed for a little while longer, quietly sleeping, staying nuzzled into the couch, not moving a muscle.

Until he sat straight up, letting out a soft whimper as he looked around the room for his daddy. When Mikey was the closest person he saw, the small boy crawled over into his lap, sobbing into his shoulder.

Mikey worried wrapped his arms around Frank, holding him tightly, "Frankie? What's the matter?" Mikey asked him softly, gently rubbing his back as the littler boy sobbed into his neck.

Frank shook his head quickly, "Wan' daddy," he whimpered out, tears soaking Mikey's shirt and the boy's blushed up cheeks.

Mikey nodded softly, letting Frank into his neck as he stood up with the small boy in his arms, which was a little difficult. But Mikey did it anyway. Frank gripped his shirt tightly as he cried, just wanting to be with his daddy and be held.

Mikey carried Frank outside, even though he knew he wasn't supposed to take him outside when he was little. Mikey found ray cleaning up some of their equipment. When Ray heard the little's cries he instantly looked up, taking Frank from Mikey, "Hey, what's going on?" Ray asked Mikey softly, rocking Frank in his arms, walking them all inside, not wanting to expose Frank's little side.

Mikey quickly followed the both of them quickly, "I don't know, he just woke up crying, and he said he wanted Gerard," Mikey said softly, watching as Ray rocked Frank in his arms, trying his best to sooth the small boy, even if he had no idea how to. Mikey got small, but never this small, and almost never cried when in little space.

Frank cried into Ray's shoulder now too, gently wrapping his arms around his neck, whimpering quietly. "Need my dada," Frank whined out softly, starting to hyperventilate.

Ray shushed him then, gently picking up the blanket from the couch, wrapping it around Frank before he could start panicking anymore. "He'll be back in a minute, Frankie, I promise. Mikey and I are here, we're here for you," Ray promised him softly, starting to bounce Frank in his arms.

That didn't help. At all. Mikey and Ray were great people, no doubt. But they weren't even close to his daddy. Nothing was.

"Dada." Frank cried softly, starting to hiccup now. His little body shook in Ray's arms, not sure how to calm himself down, everything just winding him up more.

Ray softly hummed to the boy, trying to rub over his back, and calm him down. But it wasn't working. Nothing was anymore.

Mikey watched the two worriedly, crawling off the couch and running into the bedroom, grabbing Frank's stuffie and pacifier, hoping something would calm him down. He ran back to the other's, going behind Ray, and getting Frank's attention, and sliding the pacifier into his lips, wiping his tears away, "Frankie, Hey, Hey, calm down, Gee will be back in a little bit," Mikey told him softly, petting his head softly. Frank was still sobbing and it seemed so pointless. Frank felt like he couldn't get better, and Mikey and Ray were worried about the boy.

Frank nuzzled back into Ray's neck, and Mikey moved to put the stuffed animal in Frank's arms, gently petting his back. "Ray, need daddy," Frank whimpered to him, gently holding the stuffed animal in his arm. He just wanted to be held and be loved by his daddy.

Ray nodded softly, sitting down on the couch with Frank in his arms, and Mikey at his side, tentatively rubbing over his back. Frank crying still continued, but he wasn't panicky anymore, just missing his daddy.

Everything felt like an eternity until Gerard opened the front door, coming in with dinner for everybody, two bags of food.

He looked confusedly at Mikey and Ray, noticing his little boy in Ray's arms. Frank was still crying and whimpering into his neck. When Ray stood up, Frank shifted in his arms, letting go of him and leaning towards Gerard, making grabby hands for him.

Gerard took his little boy, and held him tightly, letting him cry into his neck. Gerard lightly held his head, the other arm holding him up, "What happened?" Gerard asked the other two, rocking Frank in his arms.

Ray looked to Mikey, still not even sure what had gotten the little so upset in the first place. Mikey got up, and moved to wrap his arms around Ray, missing to be the center of his attention. "He had a nightmare while you were gone, and it scared him, so I took him to Ray," Mikey told him softly, hoping his friend was okay.

Gerard softly nodded, and everybody sat down on the couch. Mikey found the remote, putting on a movie for both him and Frank, turning it up a little. "Frankie, it's Spongebob," Mikey told him softly, giggling out softly. Ray smiled and pulled his own little into his lap, letting him snuggle against him as they laid together.

Frank's small sobbing slowly stopped, moving in Gerard's lap, watching the show. "Thankie Mikey. Thankie Ray." Frank whispered out, using his manners and very happy the other two were there for him while his daddy was gone.

Mikey giggled and nodded, leaning over and fluffing up his hair, "Anytime, butthead," Mikey teased him softly, smiling at his small giggle. Gerard smiled and rolled his eyes, gently holding frank against his body, feeling the little snuggle into him.

Ray smiled and pulled Mikey back into his lap, "It's no problem, Frankie," Ray told him softly, both males holding onto the two boys.

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