Baby? (R.R. x B.U. x D.W.) pt. 2

921 28 5

Words- 894

Daddy- Dallon Weekes
Switch- Brendon Urie
Little- Ryan Ross
Song- "Cake" by Melanie Martinez

Brendon has started taking online classes, and he was starting to get more and more stressed.

Nothing Dallon or Ryan did helped calm him down. It was making him crazy.

Dallon brought Brendon a cup of tea, sitting down beside him as he worked at the laptop.

Brendon mumbled a small thank you, looking up at his boyfriend. "Dallon, after I finish working, can I be tiny? Like really tiny?" Brendon asked quietly, rubbing his eyes after he took a sip from the warm liquid.

Dallon chuckled softly, "You don't have to ask me that, little man, it's up to you if you want to regress or not," Dallon said, gently caressing over Brendon's hair.

Brendon nodded softly, focusing on his current assignments.

It took another twenty minutes until Brendon was finished, he closed the laptop, looking at Ryan, still curled up asleep on the recliner, and Dallon had dozed off moments before Brendon finished working. Brendon put the laptop on the coffee table, crawling up into Dallon's lap, giggling quietly when the male jumped.

Dallon looked down at Brendon, softly petting his head and smiling, "Hey, baby, are you finished working? Or do you need daddy's help?" Dallon asked him sweetly, patting his bottom.

Brendon giggled, leaning up to kiss his cheek, " 'm done, daddy, Wanna play," he pouted, looking over at Ryan as he slept, all curled up in his baby blanket, his little diaper covered butt up in the air.

Dallon smiled, "Tiger, I think Ryan's too small to play today, maybe daddy can play with you?" Dallon asked him sweetly.

Brendon nodded, before crawling down out of his lap, pointing towards the kitchen, "Daddy, can I has another Sippy cup," Brendon asked excitedly, already starting to crawl there.

Dallon nodded, sitting up more on the couch and stretching before he got up. He went into the kitchen, patting Brendon's bottom when he walked by, "We need to be quiet if we're going to play in the living room, Ry gets fussy when he wakes up," Dallon said sweetly, filling him up a Sippy cup of juice.

Brendon nodded, making grabby hands for his daddy, "Can we's play in the baby room?" Brendon asked him, bouncing on his bottom as he made grabby hands for Dallon.

Dallon chuckled, leaning over and lifting Brendon up onto his hip as he screwed the lid onto his Sippy cup, "we may, sugar, what do you want to play?" Dallon asked, starting to walk him to the nursery.

Brendon giggled as he wiggled from Dallon's arms, running up ahead of him and opening the door, crawling over to his race cars, "P'ease! Wanna play with 'em!" Brendon gigged, kicking his feet a little as he looked up at Dallon.

Dallon nodded, getting down the race car track, and sitting it beside Brendon, "We have to clean up whatever mess we make, we can't have this room being a mess," Dallon chuckled, kissing his forehead.

Brendon smiled, playing with his cars as he drove them quickly around the track, making noises with his mouth.

Dallon's had been focused on watching Brendon play, his head shooting up when he heard a small cry from downstairs. "I'll be right back, my little cherry, daddy needs to go check on Ryan," Dallon cooed sweetly, petting his head as he got off the floor.

Dallon went down the steps, seeing Ryan's messy bed head pop up from the recliner. Dallon cooed, going to sit down beside Ryan, smiling as he laid down against his chest.

Dallon gently rubbed his back, "Did you have a nice nap, little one?" Dallon asked, gently caressing over his messy hair, "Brenny's upstairs, and he really wants to play, can we go upstairs and cuddle?" Dallon asked him, smiling when he felt the boy's slow head nod.

Dallon smiled, bundling Ryan up in a blanket, carrying him in his arms upstairs.

Brendon giggled happily when he saw them both, "Hi, daddy! Hi, Ry!" He giggles and cheered, clapping his hands together.

Ryan nuzzled against Dallon's chest, giving his playmate a small wave back as he tiredly laid against Dallon.

Dallon sat down on the floor beside Brendon, "Hey, baby, what're the cars getting up too?" Dallon asked, slowly rocking Ryan in his arms, noticing Brendon had caught Ryan's attention.

Brendon giggled, showing Dallon his cars as he pushed the around the track, "This ones on the run, hims is a criminal!" Brendon said excitedly, having two cars crash into each other, giggling mischievously.

Ryan giggled to himself, pointing at one of the cars Brendon wasn't playing with, whining softly.

Brendon picked the toy up, "You's want it? You's can play with him, Ry, himss a cutie, just like you!" Brendon giggled, placing the car gently in Ryan's palm, going back to his car wreck.

Dallon chuckled as he watched his little boy's, "It's almost lunchtime, little ones, can daddy go make something for lunch while you two play?"

Ryan nodded slowly, making little "vroom vroom" noises as he drove the car on Dallon's shoulder.

Brendon nodded and smiled, "Mhmn! We be good daddy!" Brendon said, crashing the cars right against one another.

Dallon chuckled, "You two play nice," he hummed, leaving the small boy's to play with their race tracks.

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