Surprize saddle

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Big smut warning.

Alex, graham and Damon all lived together as a band... and a sort of weird love triangle where they'd find each other in one of the other's bed... they also kissed a lot. Dave, their drummer, lived with his wife.

They woke up that Saturday morning and usually none of them would get out of bed because the first one up was supposed to make breakfast... so I'd be a competition.

But today was different... the doorbell rang and both boys heard Alex yell "I got it" with an evil laugh.

Curious enough to get out of bed, They slowly followed behind Alex, ending up peering behind the wall.

"Special delivery for Alex James" the post officer announced as he lifted what seemed like a heavy box.

"Thank you" he nodded with an almost creepy smile.

He closed the door and lifted the box himself, turning around to only stop short in front of damon and graham.

"Lads! Your up! Let me make you breakfast" he rushed to the kitchen.

"Aren't you going to tell us what's in the box" Damon raised an eyebrow, still slowly following Alex.

He put the box off to the side of the hallway and smirked "no... well not yet at least"

Breakfast was filled with silence, both graham and Damon were obsessed with what was in the box.
"C'mon Alex, tell us already!" Graham groaned.

"Both of you need to learn to be patient" he snapped.

They filled their day with boring Saturday morning cartoons and guitar playing until Alex left the house... locking the box in his room.

"Alright graham I need ideas" Damon planted himself on the floor of Graham's room, to the side of the bed.

"Did you see the way he smiled... it must be something shocking" graham put his sketchbook aside.

"So how heavy do you think it is exactly?" Damon questioned

"At least 15 to 25 pounds"

"Wait... I've got it" Damon grinned a similar evil grin as Alex.

Graham just raised his eyebrows and shifted his position.

"He's playing head games with us" Damon laughed.

"He's going to show us later and it's gonna be like a model train or something" he continued.

"Well that's a thought" graham replied starting to laugh with Damon.

Alex eventually came back, bag in hand and there had to be only 2 things in it.

Damon obviously tried to find any clues but Alex didn't let him look in the bag either.

"He's just teasing you" Damon thought to himself as he directed his attention back to the tv.


They finished eating dinner and graham cleaned up the kitchen while Damon just kept eyeing Alex.

"It's sort of an early birthday present for the both of you" Alex caught on to what damon wanted.
It was March 9th, Graham's birthday was just a couple of days away and Damon's was the 23rd.

"So I better go get it" he slid out of his chair as the two boys stared at him.
"A birthday present?" Graham's eyebrows furrowed and Damon shrugged in response.

Alex put the box in the living room and started opening it... the bag he returned with earlier that day was there too.

After pulling it out and untangling the cords he plugged it in to the nearest outlet.

Blur one shots(mainly Damon and graham)Where stories live. Discover now