waiting for my friend And I don't want no one to know

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It always worried him.
The way he would walk up to you with all the confidence in the world.
You were just friends, more like frenemies.
You were dating graham for years now, on and off, it wasn't perfect but you really loved him.
The man who just walked up to you was Liam Gallagher.
Strike one
They didn't hate each other as much as the press said they did, blur and oasis.
Noel and Damon went at it more than anything.
But graham despised the way he made you laugh, he was drunk though, he always blew things out of proportion when he was drunk.
Liam was also drunk but he always seemed drunk, like a natural state.
You were trying not to get drunk.
"So you here alone" Liam leaned in, trying to balance himself.
"Liam, you know I'm not alone, I'm with my boyfriend" you explained sort of laughing at his endless attempt to make you his.
"You could have any girl in the world and you somehow go for me" You rolled your eyes in disbelief... come to think of it that applies to graham too, yet he's with you.
"Yeah but your not any girl" he slurred.
"Ok yeah sure" you started getting irritated, which was odd because you and Liam could go back and forth all day, it was all just for a laugh.
"Really, I'm dead serious" he widened his eyes comically.
"Alright" you nodded.
"It's not like you two actually love each other" Liam snorted.
"No, we despise each other, that's what you do when you hate people, you date them" sarcasm dripped off the words.
"Just give me one night and I'll show you I'm better than him" he pulled you closer by your hip.
Strike two
"Liam, no" your voice rose slightly.
"Oh c'mon, how many girls has he been with while you were together" Liam scoffed.
"Liam!" Your heart sank.
What he said was true to an extent... that's why it hurt.
"That doesn't mean It's right for me to do it" You calmed down.
"Oh c'mon just one night" he rubbed your arm.
You considered it, for like a second.
But it was a second too long because his lips landed on yours before you can speak.
Strike three.
Th kiss didn't last long before he was thrown to the ground by none other than graham.
You sighed in relief as you hugged him.
Liam got up and he didn't look happy.
"You twat!" He shouted.
"Keep your hands and mouth off my girlfriend!" Graham shouted.
You were shocked, all of a sudden your relief left you as you saw the two boys start fighting.
You tried to pull them apart but it was useless.
Alex or anyone you knew were nowhere in sight, you knew damon went home but Dave and Alex were still here.
"Stop please" you begged.
Alex came rushing over when he saw your usually bright face now filled with worry.
"Christ" he looked down at the pile of flying limbs.
"Tell me about it!" You huffed.
Alex, out of character, broke the pair up... very easily too.
"Enough, whatever this is about it's not worth it!" He shouted.
"What do you mean! He put his lips on her!" Graham shouted as he tried to get to Liam.
"Liam, don't go near her again or else there'll be serious consequences" Alex even made your spine tingle with fright as he said those words, it was the way he said them like he was talking down to Liam.

But you felt horrible for Liam, you two weren't the best of friends but his company would be missed.
If he wasn't an asshole at times he'd be alright.
You couldn't even look at him you were so embarrassed so you turned to your boyfriend to tend to any wounds he had, but he just lent in and told you he wanted to go home.
You wouldn't blame him but it seemed unusual for graham, he'd want to stay here and drink for as long as possible no matter what.
You just nodded, took his slightly bloodied hand and informed Alex of your departure.
"I'm sorry" alex flipped his hair.
"Oh don't be you really came to the rescue there" you shook your head.
"Alright, take care of our guitarist" he lifted an eyebrow.
"As always" you nodded as you went to find the exit.
You and graham made it out to the dark night without many words.
You both started walking to the main road to get a cab when he started to slow down drastically.
"You ok baby?" You looked at him with an almost pouty face as you rubbed his upper arm.
"Yeah, yeah fine" he nodded.
"Uh, I'm sorry" his face dropped.
"Baby, shh don't be, I am sorry" you protested.
"You have nothing to be sorry about, he literally was all over you and I saw your hesitant looks, I just don't know why I didn't just walk up to you earlier" he sighed.
You were about to say something but he continued his rant
"I think I should stop drinking" he mumbled.
You could hear the guilt engulf his words as the reached your ears... was it his guilt or yours?
"Graham, you don't have to do that if you don't want to" You inwardly admitted that it would be healthier and better if he cut down but if he didn't want to then why should he.
"Yeah but this stuff always seems to happen and I hate it" he protested.
His walking was getting even slower than before... there was definitely something wrong.
"How about this: I'll start a bath when we get home and we can talk more, let's just focus on walking now" you informed
"Sounds lovely" for the first time in a solid hour you saw him smirk.
But you also saw him walk slower, like he was a zombie.
Blood dripping down his face, a new black eye forming, blood coming from his mouth, clothes tattered and a visible limp.
"If I could get home" he winced rubbing his head.
"What do you mean?"
"I can't I can't see prop properly" he closed his eyes.
"Ok, ok, I'll lead you" you rubbed his back and just as you were going to continue
He collapsed on his knees.
"Oh my god graham" you held him as you got to your knees.
"Are you are you going to throw up?" You searched his face for signs.
"N-no? Maybe? I don't-" he took a deep breath and you didn't know if that was him panicking or a he really couldn't breath.
"You want me to call damon to pick us up, he could help us?" You offered, pulling out your flip phone.
"No he's probably sleeping and he'll give me a lecture about drinking too much but this isn't the drinking, it's something else" he attempted to get up and you saw he was slightly aggravated.

"Graham please be careful" you helped him.
"I can't- walk"
"Or bbreath" He was right, his breathing was labored.
"So is an ambulance an option?" You slightly chuckled, feeling a wave of panic and guilt crash into you.
He was sitting on the concrete, leaning on a brick wall to some closed store.
"You know I can't do that" his voice was small.
He was terrified of hospitals but you had no choice, he was surely going to black out in a few minutes.
"Graham, What do you want me to do?"You now sat in front of him.

"I dunno" he mumbled and shrugged.
"Go back and get Alex, he seemed to like to help you" it sounded meaner than he meant it and you knew that.

"And leave you here?" You laughed at how adorable yet sill he was.
"Uh yeah, obviously" he shrugged, not seeing the problem.
"No, I'll call and see if he answers his phone" you stood up and did just that.

Blur one shots(mainly Damon and graham)Where stories live. Discover now