I fell down a hole, All the people there said you come alone

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Part 2

Back at the club

"So how far is your place?" His voice was sultry as he leaned into the blonde girl who was enjoying his presence.
"I'll get us a cab, come with me" she grabbed his hand.
Whoever was calling him it couldn't be more important than getting to bed with this girl.
They escaped the club hand in hand as she pulled a stumbling Alex out.
The street lamps blinded him for a moment but it got better as they got further.
Down the block.

"Graham! Wake up or I'm calling an ambulance!" You shook him, he wasn't sleeping, he could be dying.
You turn your back for one second and he's Out
You called them.

"(Y/n)?" Alex questioned as you cried, waiting for someone to pick up. 
"Alex!" You shouted in fright.
"What's going o-"
"Graham isn't breathing and he collapsed, it's not normal, something is really wro-
"911 what's your emergency?" A steady voice came on the phone
"Yes my boyfriend just collapsed as we were walking home and he's not breathing... or well he's not breathing right" you explained as your voice shook.
Alex just stood there in fright.
"Well we gotta move him" Alex mumbled and picked up graham with the help of his girlfriend.
"Where are y-"
"We're on west 24th street" you quickly answered.
"I'm gonna take him back home" Alex explained
"No! Stay here!" You shouted, you didn't want to move, you wanted to protect graham at all costs even if it was from Alex.
"Please Alex!" You panicked as he brought graham back.
"I'm not having my best friend lie on the side of the road until an ambulance gets to him!" Alex shouted... similar to the way he shouted at Liam, Liam, Liam... if he was here he'd know what to do, no! he caused this mess.
We'll both of them did technically... no liam did.
"Miss, emergency services are on their way right now, stay on the phone please" the voice over the phone broke you out of your trance.
"Um well we are moving, back to the Apartment we share, his friend refused to leave him here so he's carrying him" You explained as you rushed to catch up to Alex, realizing he wasn't coming back.
"Ok give me the new address please?"

"West 15th street by Chelsea market"
"You'll see us outside" you added.
"Ok bring him inside though, have him lay down" the man on the phone explained
"Oh yes of course"
"Can you give me more of his symptoms?" He asked after telling you his name.
You got into the cab and Alex gave the man the address as you listed off what happened in chronological order.
From the fight to the slow walking to the collapsing and so on.
"Did he get hit in the chest?"
"Well yeah probably, I was just focused on breaking it up before he got really hurt" you explained.
You looked down at the head on your lap and brushed the messy hair off his forehead.
You felt sick
You were for sure going to throw up once you got out... but he looked so peaceful.
"Are you almost home miss?" You were once again broken out of your trance by Joey.
"Uh yeah definitely, one more block" you looked outside.
"Check his pulse please"
Your eyes widened at his request... was he factoring in the possibility that graham could be dead?
"W-w-w-What?" Was your only response.
"Check his pulse miss, we need to know what we are dealing with" Joey sighed, audibly feeling bad for you.
"Alex... can you check his pulse" you looked at the floppy haired boy.
"Yeah" he shrugged and felt Graham's neck.
You didn't understand why after he just sat back in his seat Without a word, you'd have to ask him for it, was it some joke to him?
"Well?" Your voice was out of control.
"Oh he's alright... it's fine" he stuttered.
"His pulse is there" you relayed the message over the phone.
Alex winced But you didn't seem to catch it.
He never said his pulse was "there" he just said graham was alright.
He knew what would happen if he told you it wasn't there... he'd have two unconscious bodies.
"Ok good, he might have internal bleeding though" Joey explained.
That didn't sound good but graham wasn't dead and honestly you could kiss him if he didn't have blood on his face.
"We're here, we're here!" You shouted as the cab pulled up.
You flung the door open and grabbed some money out of your pocket for the driver, who denied it being the fact that it was an emergency.
You thanked him multiple times as you exited the vehicle with graham. Alex carried him as you unlocked the door explaining to Joey that you were going to put him on the couch so it'd be easier to get to him.
Alex's girlfriend... who you learned was going to be a one night stand and not his girlfriend waited outside for the ambulance.
"Sorry I ruined your night" you mumbled as you wiped the blood off of graham with a wet towel.
"Who, me?" Alex furrowed his brows.
"Yes you! I'm not talking to graham!" You sighed.
"You you didn't" he almost said it in a surprised tone.
"He's my mate... what I should have done was answered my phone" Alex sat down on the chair diagonal from the couch.
"It's ok, I shouldn't have talked to Liam" you shrugged as you put the towel down.
"You can talk to whoever you want, it's Liam who should have kept his hands off of you" his one goal was to make sure you knew it wasn't your fault.
You started quietly tearing up.
"We were supposed to be in the bath by now, with candles and we were supposed to talk about what happened and everything... maybe we would have shagged? Or maybe I would have just massaged his back till he fell asleep... I don't know, I don't, what am I going to do?" Your sobs were heavier now.
You put your head on Graham's chest.
"(Y/n) I haven't been particularly honest with you" Alex cleared his throat.
You looked up as you sniffled and he knelt down next to you.
"What do you mean" your brows furrowed.
"Graham's pulse... it" he sighed, not knowing how to say what he was going to say.
"It wasn't quite there" he gulped.
"But you said—"
"I didn't, I said he was alright" he cut you off.
"I what!" You now were going to throw up as you ran into the bathroom, puke instantly exiting.
"I'm so sorry" you heard his voice from the doorway.
"Don't talk to me" you said in between breaths.
"(Y/n)! Please I'm so-"
"I can't believe you! Shut up" you rushed back out after wiping your mouth.
"Graham baby, please! I need you!" You sob now in your original spot as medics rushed in.
You hung up your mobile phone, letting the receptionist know the ambulance was here.
They checked his pulse and it was there "but it might as well be nonexistent" as the medic put it.
"We're going to have to hook him up and send him to the hospital" they checked his vitals and started to lift him.
"Oh, ok" you tried to hold on to what dignity you had left.
"Only one person can accompany him" the second medic informed which made you and Alex trade looks.
"You are the obvious choice my love" Alex had the most genuine bittersweet smile.
"I thought he was your mate" you raised and eyebrow.
"Yes but your his everything, the love of his life... his first words would be "where's (y/n)?" If he woke up in that ambulance... so you should go" Alex pushed you forward.
"Alex, you're the best, I love you... as mates of course... but I still hate you" you hugged him then followed the second medic.
"I'll meet you at the hospital" Alex waved and you nodded.
It was going to be the longest 22 minute car ride of your life.
You sat on his left side so you could hold his hand, knowing they'd be putting things on his right.
You kissed it and held it the whole way.
"Graham Coxon... blur's guitarist... wow" the second medic busied himself as he looked in awe.
"Uh yeah... he'd give you an autograph but he's kinda in a predicament" you gave him an exaggerated smile.
"Um sorry hah yeah" he laughed.
Back at the house

"Hey damon, Graham's in the hospital, (y/n) went in the ambulance with him" Alex called damon first for obvious reasons.
"What why? I'll be there right away!" His panic was evident but he also was immensely tired.
"the fight maybe? Internal bleeding I do know that much but he went in unconscious... it's bad" Alex rambled on as he heard damon getting ready.
"A fight? Whe- oh fuck never mind! I'll be there" and just like that the line was dead, next on his list was Dave.
"Dave! Urgent! Graham's in the hospital, it's really bad!" He decided to keep it short.
"What? What happened?" His sleepy state was of no help.
"Christ I'll explain later! It's an emergency! I'll pick you up since I'm leaving now!" Alex whined.
"Did you call (y/n)?"
"I was with her, she's in the ambulance as we speak!" Alex's whiny tone remained.
"Ok ok, I'm ready" dave shuffled as he put his pants on and hung up the phone.
Now Alex could catch up to you and graham while picking up Dave.

Blur one shots(mainly Damon and graham)Where stories live. Discover now