Laying Low

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(A/N): hey! I update this book cause of the unicorn girl and the rest of you. (Unicorn girl you know who you are.)  You guys are just my motivation to hurry and update. Although I feel like I'm rushing the story. What do you think?


Juvia POV

I was kinda surprised that he would just come out and say it. I honestly didn't know what to say. "You...uuhhh.." I said trying to get it together. Do I even like him?

I mean he's cute but... He smirked. Witch made me wanna hurry and answer. I squent my eyes. "Ummm.."

"Hey uh-" gray started to speak but I cut him off. "Yes I will date you." I said. I smiled like there was no confusion in my head. 

Why did I say yes?! You didn't think this through! I never had a boyfriend before!!!! I said, talking to myself in my head while smiling. "Ok so now that I got that off my chest I just wanted to let you know that were laying low on taking over the kingdom."

I nod "right." I said. He was going to leave but I stopped him. "Wait... Before we go any further in process I g this plan can you please go take me to see my brother?" I said. "Yea when would you like to go?" He said. "Is tomorrow ok?" I said.

"Sure thing. I'll be your escort." He said. Then he left. I took a deep breath and started to get back to work. I'm going to see my brother. But besides that I have a boyfriend now. What do I do???!!!

Interrupting my thought I accidently numbed into natsu. "Oh sorry." I said. "Rough day so far?" Natsu said bordly. "You have no idea." I said. We walked our separate ways.

~time skipp~

I woke up the next day and got ready. I went out the room door. I worked for this morning but when noon came that's when I went to see my brother. Getting into the car with gray in the back. It was a limo so we just sat there alone.

Not talking. It was so awkward. So I decided to say something. "So you know were my brother is?" I said. He nods. "He had gotten removed from a guild that trained you to fight for the king and got moved to an orfangae." I put a confused face.

I guess that would kind of make sense but... What? The car numbed a little and swirved. Witch cause me to crash into gray. My head was on his chest and I held there till the car was back to normal. I realized were I was and put my head up.

"I'm sorry." I said panicking. He giggles. "Its ok no problem." He said brushing g his shirt off and fixing his crown. He is so formal. I thought. But he's super cute when he has his crown on.

We finally reached our destination. When we got there I came out of the car. We went I side and I saw a lady at the front desk. "Oh prince fullbuster. What brings you here today." The young lady said fixing herself up. I could tell she was trying to imprealss him and look cute.

"We are here to visit a boy named..." He looked at me. "Kuzon locxer." I said.  She started to go through papers. "Yes right...uhh go to room 301 upstairs. Would you like me to escort you?" She said. I squented my eyes and tilted my head. It was like she was talking to gray and I wasn't even here.

It irritated me. "Sure." He said. She got up. "Right this way." We followed her all the way upstairs. "Here you are." Have a good visit she said smiling at gray. Gray went into the room. I stared at her. She gave me a dirty look and rolled her eyes.

My mouth opened a little. I gave her the finger as she started to walk away.  She opens her mouth. "Hmm." She said walking away real fast. I giggled. I may be the prince girlfriend but I just don't have manners.

I walked I. The room like I just won a contest. "Sis?" Kuzon said as I look at him. I smiled. "Kuzon." I said. He ran up to me and I hugged him. "I told you I would come back." I said as I hold out my pinky. He rapped his pinky around mine.

"So sis who's that guy?" He said pointing. "That's the prince of this kingdom." I said. They both walk up to each other.

Gray POV

"Hello. Prince gray fullbuster at your service." I said kneeling cause he was small. He looked about around what 6? "Hi kuzon locker juvias brother. Nice to meet you." He said. I shook his small hand.

He leans in and whispers in my hear. "Your not laying any moves on my sister are you?" He said. Chuckled. "No sir not at all. "Good." He said smiling. For a little guy he sure think adult things.

"Wow is this your drawings?" Juvia said looking around the room. "Yes. I made lots of friends here." He said.

Time skipped by and we all talked. I liked juvias brother. He's funny and acts a little like her. I can see why she cares so much about him.

It had gotten dark and we had to leave. "Sister please come by and visit me again." She nods. "I will and when my business is over you will come back and live with me and we will make up for your lost 7th birthday ok?" He nods.

"Ok." They hugged. "Bye." He said. She waved. We shut the door and walked Down the hall. I looked at juvia. She had the softest smile I could possibly see on Her face. And her eyes were soft.

Looking at her made me put a smile on my face. We got back in the car to go back to the castle.

Juvia POV

When we got back to the castle I was tired. Me and gray parted ways. I ran into Lucy. "Think we can get the guild back?" She said I nod. "Anything is possible." I said. "So anyway how was town?" She said. We started to walk iland talk.

"It was ok. Seen my brother today." "Did anything happen between you and gray?" She said smirking. I blush slightly. "How.." "I know you guys date." Lucy said. "Everyone should already know."

"How did word get out?" I said. "Mira." "And how did she know?" "That women has eyes every were." Lucy said. I smiled.

"Well you and natsu?" I said. "That idiot boy?" She said blushing a little. I nod. "Never gonna happen." She said. I giggled. "Like I said anything is possible."

I felt to my room to call it a night till I hear my door open. I came out of my closet already in pajamas. It was gray. "What are you doing here?" I said.

"Small sleep over?" He said.


(A/N): heyyyyyyy!!!!! I'll update soon again once I get some more comments! Vote and comment

Pwease and thank you!!


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