Kissa Me

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Juvia POV

I giggled. "But your a guy." I said. "Guys can have sleep over to." He said walking over to me. "Besides it will take our mind off of all the stuff that's going on."

"I guess its alright." I said walking over to my bed. I lean on the bed. "So do you mind if Natsu and lucy come or just me and you." The idea of me and gray by ourself in the room, and he could get the wrong idea. Even if he does get the wrong idea I wouldn't know what to do with a boyfriend. So I came to a decision. "Natsu and lucy." I said.

"Ok one sec." He left the room. I sigh.

Gray POV

I left the room. I see why she wouldn't want it to be just me and her. That's why I suggested other people. I went to Lucy's room. Her room was pink and very home like. "Lucy what did you do to your room? This isn't what I saw when I was last here." "That's because the last time you was here was a year ago." She said.

"Oh. Well me and juvia is having a sleep over you want to come?" I said with my thumb pointing over to the door. "Sure I'm not doing anything now so..." "Weres Natsu?" I said. "I'm right here." Natsu said comming out from her bathroom. "Why are you in Lucy's room?"

"Yea why are you here?" Lucy said. "Well you see I came in your room to see if you were here but you weren't then I smelled this really nice sent...." He paused. "But anyway I went to your bathroom and I started trying on your perfumes. You came in and you didn't notice me. Then gray came in and you should know the rest."

We were quiet for a sec. "Ok well that's something between you and lucy, so Natsu would you mind joining our sleep over?" "Sure." He said walking over to us."come as soon as you can." I said. And with that I left her room. I went back to juvias. "Come juvia" she nods and walks over.

Juvia POV

We went into the hallway and he shuts my door. He hold my hand. "This should be fun." He said walking with me hand in hand. I blush at the sight of him holding my hand. "W-were are we going?" I said Trying to get my mind of him holding my hand. "To the sleep over room." He said happily. "Why are you so happy?"

I said. "Cause sleep overs make me feel like a regular person and not a prince who is spoiled." "Your spoiled?" I said in confusion. "Yea. I get everything I want but I'm never really satisfied. The only time I am is when people treat me just like another person who walks down the street." He said. "Oh." I said right after he was done. "And your that person who treats me like every other person. Except when you work." I smirk.

We came to a stop. He opened the door and inside was a whole bunch of pillows on the floor and several beds. The room was big. It had a fridge and a big bathroom and tv, it was cool if you ask me." We walked in. "Hey." Lucy said as she walked through through the door with Natsu. "Hi." I said. "Aww how cute you guys are like a real deal the cutest couple in the kingdom.

I look at gray and he truned red. "Aw be quiet." My face truned red also. "If were so cute then u can get inspired to go date Natsu." I said. Natsu shut the door and truned on the tv. He was blushing so was lucy. "I told you it won't happen." Lucy said softly. "It could." Natsu said still blushing. "What do you mean?" Said lucy. Gray had passed the popcorn as we sat on the pillows. I grabbed a hand full. Gray leans in. "Think Natsu will pop the question?" Gray said. I smiled and nod. "D-do you want to be with me?" Natsu said.

"Told you." Gray whispered. I giggled a little. "The yea." Said lucy. They both smile. "Aww so nice." I said. Me and gray were both clapping. Lucy was still blushing. "Whatever." She said.

time had passed and we watched movies ate ice cream and talked. Natsu,lucy,and gray fell asleep. But all of a sudden I couldn't sleep. So I left to the balcony. I could see the rest of the town here. Its glowing lights and the forest it was beautiful. The breez started to pick up. My hair flowed in the wind.

Gray POV

I felt juvia leave. I open my eyes. She was on the balcony. I stood at the door. I see that she was enjoying the breez. As her beautiful blue hair flowed in the wind I said something. "Nice view huh." I said. She truned around. "Yea." She said. I sighed and crossed my arms. "We are going to have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow." I said. "Yea. But I know everything is going to be ok. I belive you can over thrown your father. And I know your mother was Avery good women." I nod.

"Thanks for the encouragement." "I never got to say gray." She said. I look at her. "To say what?" I said as I stood next to her. "I'm sorry that I was a thief. And sorry that I caused you trouble that you guys had to put me in a death sentence. As long as you dad is alive he could still excecute me." She said. "I won't let that happen. As long as I'm here standing right next to you. I'll be with you at all times and never leave your side, hurt you or betray you." I said. "No one.. Has ever said that to me."

Juvia said smiling but tears strolling down her cheaks. "Oh... I'm crying. Sorry." She said as she whiles them away. "There's no reason to be sorry. Everyone crys." She keeped whipping them away. I notice her tears wouldn't stop. "Why cry so much?" I said. "I'm happy my life truned out this way. I'm happy I met you and the guild." She said. She stopped whipping them away giving up. I pull her into my arms. "I'm happy I met you to. I fell in love with you at first sight." I look up at the sky. "Hey look its a full moon." She looks up to. It was big and white. "It's like I can touch it." Juvia said reaching her arm out for it. I smile.

"Its beautiful." Juvia said. She whiped away the rest of her tears. I was going to break the hug. "Don't." She said. I arched my eyebrows. "Don't let go of me yet." I did as she said. We I joyed the silenece. "Gray i didnt get to tell you this eather but.. I think I'm falling for you......very hard." I started blushing. "Not even that. I think I love you.....I love you gray." I blushed really red. So was she. "Uhh.." I said trying to get words out then it hit me.

"Juvia. For the sake of me and for the kingdom and for our love. I never got to ask you properly.." I got down on one knee. "Juvia locker, my dear loved one." I take out a small box and open it. "Will you merry me?" I said. She blushed. "Yes." She said.

I put the ring on her. I stood up. She hugged me emdiately. "I'm so happy. Even though we haven't dated long we known eachother for quiet some time. Long enough for me to fall for you. You were my first boyfriend. I'm glade to spend the rest of my life with you." She said. "I'm happy to." Our foreheads were touching. "Juvia. May i?"

She nods. "You may."

Juvia POV

He kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and we shared a passionate kiss. Under that beautiful moon light.


(A/n): hey! I haven't updated in a while. I was trying to figure out witch story to update and I couldn't decide! So now I have no idea what next story to update. So comment what story I should update next!

10 comments about this story and I'll update again! Excuse my typos I don't feel I rechecking the story.

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Pwease and thank you!!


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