The beginning of the end

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It was the year 1973, everything was normal, just a plain old boring day. That was in till dawn. At dawn, the gates of Hell sprung open . Zombies, ghost, vampires, demon, and ghouls took their chance and ran through the gate into our world.

 At the time of this event a girl named Twila, who was only 10 at the time was in her house unaware of what was to come

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 At the time of this event a girl named Twila, who was only 10 at the time was in her house unaware of what was to come. After about two hours over half of the population was already killed off. The monsters managed to find their way to a two-story house in the middle of a opening in the woods. The house was white with a blackish grey roof and at the bottom had little black swirls that looked liked waves. Around the edges of the house were black and purple tulips that surrounded the house. Almost every curtain was closed so no lights were visible from the outside. 

However there was a little bit of light coming from a room on the second floor. This house just happened to belonged to Twila. Her parents were out on a so called 'business trip'. The  reality of it all was that, they ditched her. For reasons somewhat unknown. She was fine on her own or at least that what she believed. However she got pretty lonely every now and then. Twila had heard a twig or something snap and decided to peeked out her window. As soon as she saw what was out there, she ran down the stairs and right into her basement. 

When she got down into the basement she looked for stuff she could use to waste the monster's time. After she found everything, she started to set traps on the first floor. She did this in hope that it would give her enough time to get out of the house and make a run for it. After she finished she packed a draw string bag full of  clothes. 

After she finished she waited for the sound of her first trap. As soon as it went off she climbed out of the house through a window and slid down the roof. When her feet touched the ground , she wasted no time and ran towards the forest. The forest was dark but that didn't seem to bother her as she just kept running. She had no idea of were she was going but she hoped she'd find a house or something soon. About an hour of her running with no stop her legs  decided to give out on her. She sat herself up against a tree, trying to catch her breath. 

The only sound there was, was the sound of leaves being crushed under the feet of who knows what. She didn't know where it was coming from. Since  the sound felt like it was slowly surrounding her. All she knew is that is was getting closer step by step sound by sound. If she didn't do something fast she would either be killed by the source of the sound or by the fact that she was about to go crazy from the constant noise.Just as she was about to get up and take off running the noise suddenly stopped. As curious as Twila was she was. She knew better than to find out what had cause the noise person or creature it didn't matter, not now. Finally getting her head out of the clouds she ran what she thought was north until she found her self at the entrance of a run down two story house.

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