Regret and contradiction

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On the other hand Lance had turned back to his normal self and was on his way back to his real home. There he couldn't hurt Twila or anyone else, ever again. He didn't care if they called him a disgrace, just as long as she was safe. When he had gotten back his little sister jumped from the second story onto Lance, causing him to stubble back.

"Your back! Your really back!" She sad refusing to let go of her older brother.

After a few more minutes she finally let go and rushed inside to tell everybody else. Lance however stayed outside not ready to face his parents just yet. He was taking back when his parents ran out the house and hugged him. He had never seen his side of them, he had always seen the strict parents who were ashamed of him. Soon after they all went inside and he took them everything that had happened in the past few days. Honestly he expected his parents to be disappointed in the fact that he was with a human, or be proud of the fact that he attacked a human. Instead they were slient, he guessed that after his little stunt they had different perspective about him.

When he finished his story he went back up to is room, in order to relax. However he couldn't relax, he thought of Twila. He tried to get her out of his head but he couldn't, she wouldn't go away. He want to go back just to see her again, but he couldn't he was scared of what would happen. She probably thought of him as a monster, he just couldn't get that one certin thought out of his head, along with the memories they had made.

"You love her don't you Lance?" Lance's sister said as she walked into his room.

"L-love her?" Lance said unsure of how he felt.

"Yes love, I might be you little sister but I know what your feeling, it written all over you face, even if the others can't see it."

"Alice... if that's the case then what the hell can I do, she probably hates me."

"You told what would happen didn't you?" Alice said as she sat beside her brother.

"Of course, I did." Lance said agitated.

"Then why would she hate you? She knew you had no control, and she the one who took the risk when she decided to trust someone like us. So she shouldn't hate you. If anything she needs you."

"Okay now you lost me. What do you mean when you say she needs me?"

"How long had she been without anyone, a few years right? Well then all of the sudden you appear, now she had someone else in her life. Someone she could trust and someone who was actually there for her. At first she was like a puzzle with a missing piece, when she meet you the puzzle was completed. In other words you are what makes her complete, she needs you just as much as you need her. Besides somethings off with the scenario..." Alice said leaning onto Lance's shoulder.

 "Missing piece... hey Alice what do you mean when you say somethings off with the scenario?" Lance said more concerned than before.

"Simply, why would she have a gash on the right side of the face, the way you described it... it couldn't of been self inflicted so something had to of done it. Someone planned the whole situation."

As soon as those words left his sister's mouth, Lance wasted no time, he jumped out his window, and ran to Twila's house. Before he got there he was stop, by the demon who had planned this whole thing.

"You won't find her there you know." The demon said with malice.

"What did you do with her demon!" Lance said in a fit of rage.

"Nothing as of yet, I bet you also want to know where she is as well. I guess I could tell that but why would I tell a complete stranger, I mean you don't even know my name. Therefore you don't know your enemy, which means you can't win."

"Then why don't you tell me, after all even if knowing you name gives me an advantage I could never beat a demon as powerful as you."

"You flatter me, and as a reward I'll tell you my name and your precious Twila's whereabouts. The name's Isaiah. As for where your Twila is well just go west till you find a cave." With that he disappeared.

Lance was dumbfounded he thought that it would of been a lot harder to get the information he wanted. While he was unsure that Isaiah could be trusted, he had no choice, and decided to head in the direction that he was told.

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