Movie time: The Exorcist

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//this is strictly a movie chapter if your wondering why it's a short chapter. Also I have not seen The Exorcist so this will mostly likely not be accurate when it comes to tiny details like jumpscares//

When they finished talking Lance and Twila went down stairs. Twila went to go get a movie while Lance just watched. After she got the moive Twila popped popcorn.

"So what are we watching?" Lance asked bored from waiting.

"The Exorcist." Twila said as she sat down beside Lance.

"Horror movie?"

"Yeah why? Is the vampire scared it something.

"Ha me scared, nothing scares me!" Lance said confidently.

"We'll see about that." Twila said as she played the movie.

Half way through the movie a jump scare caught Lance off guard causing him to scream.

"Ha, what in the hell kind of scream was that!" Twila said while laughing.

"Shut up!" Lance screamed in embarrassment, turning his cheeks red.

"I thought you said nothing scarred you!" 

"If I were you I'd stop laughing before you pass out."

"Fine I'll stop, that is until you scream like a girl again." Twila said playfully.

"Finally." Lance said as he turned his attention towards the movie.

Twila noticed how tense Lance was, so a few minutes later she poked him in order to get his attention. The sudden contact made Lance jump in shock.

"Hey Lance? Do you want me to tell you when there's a jump scare or something?"

"Uh, yeah that would be great actually." Lance responsed a bit embarrassed.

Thirty minutes later the movie had finished and Lance was more than happy for it to finally be over. Twila got up took the movie out and offered Lance the rest of the popcorn, which he declined. She had only asked because she noticed that he took popcorn every now and then during the movie.

"Well I'm going to bed now see you in the morning." Twila said as she stared to head upstairs.

"Yeah okay night Twi see you tomorrow." Lance said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Call me Twi again and you'll regret it."

After staring daggers at Lance Twila finally headed back to her room.

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