ill misfortune

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"What did this demon look like?" Twila said in unease 

"Red hair, completely different colored eyes, he freaked me out. Most demons look exactly like human and couldn't hurt anything even if it laid down in front of them. But he was different... his eyes showed no remorse for the life of anything. From what I could tell he enjoyed watching things suffer, like it was a sort of entertainment." Lance said as he looked back up at Twila.

"I think I know who your talking about."

"You do! How?"

"I met him today, I was scarred, I felt that one wrong move and I would be dead, but at the same time I just wanted to wipe that dam smirk off his stupid face." Twila said annoyed.

"Well did he hurt you?" Lance questioned.

Twila just shook her head no, a lot of stuff happened today and she just wanted it all to end.

"Do you have any movies?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Its been stressful so, I think watching a movie isn't a bad idea." Lance said he got up.

"Yeah okay." Twila as she got up off the stairs.

When she stood up Twila's vision became blurry and she collapsed. Lance caught her before she hit the ground and laid her down on the couch, he put his hand to her head and quickly pulled back. She was running a fever, so Lance decided to see if there was anything in the house to help. He didn't find anything so he got a rag and cold water, he wet the rag and placed it on her forehead. 

"There no way that's this is an ordinary fever." Lance mumbled to himself.

"And you would known that how" the demon said as in appeared behind Lance.

"The hell where did you come from... this was your fault, I bet." 

"I have no idea of what you talking about , she just got sick on her own."

"Then why are you... here." Lance said as he realised that he was being ignored 

"I don't see what a vampire would want with a girl like you." The demon said as he combed his fingers through Twila's hair.

"Hands off of her demon!"

"Can't say I didn't warn her, she's my play thing and I do hate being away from them. However from your expression she didn't tell you everything."

With that he disappeared, leaving Lance confused. He decided not to pay any attention to the demons words and just decided to see what he could do to help Twila.

Two weeks had past and Twila's was still out cold, her fever had gone down some but not by much. Lance was out looking for food, if he didn't find anything soon he would lose it. However he refused to stay out too long for fear that something might happen to Twila while he was gone. While searching for food, a sharp pain pulsated in his head. His eyes became a deep shade of red, his fangs were now visible, and his skin paled, this was what he called his true form. In this form he lost control of his actions and felt no remorse. He considered himself a monster and he hated it. The thing he hated most about this form was that he saw everything and couldn't stop or control himself.

Unfortunately there was nothing in sight, but at the same time Lance considered that a good thing. Some time had passed since Lance transformed and had now transformed back. Since he was his normal self again he decided to go back and check on Twila. Her fever had gone down significantly. As Lance was removing his hand from Twila's forehead, her eyes slightly opened.

"Looks like 'Sleeping Beauty' is finally up." Lance said mischievously.

"Asshole. Anyway how long was I out?" Twila said still half asleep.

"Two weeks, and while I'm at it how are you feeling."

"I'm a bit lightheaded and my vision is slightly blurry but that should stop soon. Also I wouldn't worry about me, worry about yourself."

"What do you mean worry about myself I'm fine." Lance said trying to hide the fact that he was telling a lie.

"First your even more pale than what your normally are, and second your a really bad lier. So tell me what going on." Twila said as she got out of her bed and stretched.

"I haven't eaten anything in awhile and it's starting to show, but before you say anything it won't kill me just... nevermind it not important."

"It will what Lance, if not eating won't kill you then what will it do."

"It none of your business!" Lance said about to lose it.

"Then I'll make it my business, now explain... what will happen!" Twila said she was serious instead of her usual calm persona.

Lance broke and told her the while story what happens when a vampire goes without eating for a period of time. When he finsh he honestly expected Twila to be discussed or scared of him, he thought of himself as a ticking time bomb that could go off without warning. However instead being scared or discussed she just stood there not saying a word.

"Are you in any pain? Now and when you transform." Twila said concerned.

"No, I mean it hurts a bit when my fangs come out but that's about it." Lance said still confused on how she was so calm with the whole situation.

"Hey Lance, still want to watch that movie?"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that, let's do it."

//Sorry for not uploading, my phone stopped working and I had to get a new one :3//

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