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Beyond the door was a tourture chamber, Twila and Isaiah were there as Lance had guessed. Twila was leaned against a wall, while Isaiah was in front of a cage, Twila suddenly put her hand over her ears. Not long after there was a glass shattering screech that echoed acrossed the whole room. The noise caused Lance to close his eyes and cover his ears, when he opened his eyes he saw that one side of the wall that Twila was leaning against was covered in blood, there was even some on Twila's face.

"Was that really necessary?" Twila said nonchalantly.

"No it wasnt, but it was fun!" Isaiah said as he wiped blood of his hand.

Lanced leaned closer to try and here the two but he leaned too far and the door opened all the way causing Lance to fall into the room. He wasted no time getting up and rushed towards Isaiah, once again before Lance could reach him Twila intervened and pulled a sword on Lance.

"Kill him!" Isaiah said enthusiastically

Twila refused to move the hand with the sword was shaking, she was trying to regain herself and was struggling. 

"I said kill him..."

She couldn't hold back anymore and swung her sword at Lance he managed dodged her but barely. Not wanting to hurt her he did the only thing that would be a safe bet and knock her out with one hit. He got behind her and hit her neck, doing that he hit a perssure point that knocked her out almost instantly. With that out of the way he turned to the one that started this sick trick... Isaiah.

"Wow that was quick, shame I thought she would last longer oh well... let's get this over with" Isaiah said as his appearance changed.

His hair now covered one eye, the visable eye was bright red, his fingernails were black, chains appeared on his wrist, his outfit cahnged to a long black/dark grey jacket, and large black wings sprouted out from his back. 

Lance backed away unsure of what to do, if he fought him like this then he would certainly lose, but if he turned he might hurt Twila

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Lance backed away unsure of what to do, if he fought him like this then he would certainly lose, but if he turned he might hurt Twila. Lance made up his mind and transformed as well, he figured that Isaiah would do something much worse to Twila than anything he could do. 

After he transformed Isaiah rushed at Lance, he dodged and countered only to be blocked. Isaiah managed to make him stumble, because of this he followed up with a quick attack that caused Lance to cough up blood. Ignoring the pain he felt through out his body Lance continued to persue Isaiah, because he was determined to save Twila. He hadn't realized it in till a little bit ago but just like his sister said how he gave Twila hope, she did the exact same thing for Lance. She was his hope just as he was hers and because of that he would fight no matter what in order to have her with him once more. The fight had been going on for quite awhile with Lance and Isaiah both with equally severe injuries, around this time they were both back to their normal forms, since it took too much energy to maintain those forms for long periods of time.

Twila soon gained back consciousness but was still under Isaiah's  influence, she stood back up with the sword in hand. Isaiah saw this and grinned, he then mouthed the words, kill him. Lance saw this and took it as a chance to finish off Isaiah, he rushed towards him. Before Isaiah even had a chance to react blood seeped out of the wound Lance had just inflicted. Isaiah's lifeless corpse fell to the ground. However that didn't break the hex he had cast upon Twila, but it did weaken it, he could tell from the fact that while her eyes were still dull they were there normal blue instead of red.

"Twila..." Lance said worriedly.

She walked closer to him in till the tip of the sword was pointed at his torso, and once again the hand that held the sword shook. Lance looked at her with a sad but loving smile, before quickly stabbing himself with the sword. Even though he stabbed himself he closed the distance between him and Twila. The kiss was short and Lance collapsed as soon as it was over, but it was enough to completely break Twila out of Isaiah's influence. She fell to her knees and tears flowed like rivers from her eyes. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... It's all my fault." Twila repeated.

She put her head on his chest and to her surprised there was still a heart beat it was faint but there. Wasting no time at all Twila stood up and rushed down the hall to a door that was on the right side. She slammed it open and grabbed medical bandages, a sewing kit, and pain killers. Rushing back to Lance's side Twila then removed his shirt and opened the sewing kit, to Twila surprised the sword miss vital organs which was quite a good thing. The sword didn't go completely through Lance because Twila came back to her senses rather quickly and pulled it out  before it could go any further. 

She got thread and a needle and began to work her magic the wound was soon stiched up so she then she took the medical bandages and wrapped then around the area that she just stiched up, she did the bandages tight but not tight to where it would cut of circulation. She was skilled in stiching up injuries because she had to stich herself up a few times in the past. She draped Lance of her  which was a bit difficult because of the fact that he was taller than her, but she managed. She exited the bit of 'Hell' they were end and started to head back home. The location looked familiar, so she didn't have to hard of a time finding her home. She managed to carry Lance upstairs and put him in her bed to rest, after all he deserved it. She then grabbed a blanket and went to sleep on her couch.

//Six weeks later//

He should be up by now, so why isn't he up, I know he's not dead he would look like a zombie if he was dead. Twila thought. She then recalled why this happened, it was her fault that Lance came to save her, her fault that he had to fight Isaiah, and it was her fault that Lance stabbed himself... Tears welled up in her eyes she once again laid her head on Lance's chest, and she cried. She couldn't hold it back she had always hid her tears back and never had a problem so why now? Why was she crying?

Lance's eyes slowly opened and he managed to prop himself up, however Twila failed to notice that he was up at last and most importantly that he was actually alive. He gave her a sympathetic look and took his fingers and brushed them through her hair. Twila took notice and and slowly looked towards Lance, her eyes were red and puffy from crying but she didn't care, Lance was actually alive and thats all that mattered. She quickly embrace him and he returned it. 

"Holy hell... y-your alive... your actually alive! I'm s-sorry, this wouldn't of happened i-if  I wasn't here... I'm sorry for every-everything I've done..." Twila said quietly.

"She, its not your fault Isaiah's actions were his own, so where mine... but your actions were that of Isaiah's not you so you can't and will not be blamed for anything of the sort got it?" Lance calming Twila down a bit.

"Hey Lance can I tell you something?"


"I love you." Twila said as her cheeks turned red.

"I love you two... Twi" Lance said as he pecked her on the lips

The end...

//I hope you enjoyed this story and if you have any suggestions on what to write let me know down in the comments, bye :3//

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