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It was six in the morning and Lance was trying to wake Twila up. After a few more attempts she finally got up. 

"Its about time sleeping beauty." Lance scolded.

"Shut up." Twila said as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah, did up knock something over last night?"

"No? Why."

"One of the isles was completely trashed, so I thought that you might of knocked something over and had it cause a chain reaction." Lance said thinking about what could of happened.

Twila paled she first thought was that what ever the silhouette was had done it, but at the same time, she thought she as over thinking and that it was just the wind.

"Maybe it was the wind? After all it was blowing pretty hard last night." Twila said calming down a bit.

"No that wasn't the wind I know that for a fact." Lance said as he tensed up a bit.

"What about that thing from my dream? Could it of been that?"

"There's a high possibility, that's the case, either way lets get back to you house. Sound good?"

"Yeah lets go."

Lance suggested she just get  on his back and he could just run back. However Twila was stubborn and refused, so instead they walked back to her house. After three hours they had finally gotten back to the house. After they walked in both of them passed out from exhaustion. Twila was on the couch while Lance on the other hand was on the floor.

"This is all your dam fault, Twila." Lance scolded before passing out.

When Twila got up she realised that Lance was gone, thinking that he went out for a bit she decided to wait. Half an hour later had past and Lance still wasn't back, so she decided to look and see if she could find him. She searched everywhere in and nearby the house. Finally she gave up and just sat on the couch. While just staring into space, she realised that he had left his jacket there on the floor. Just as she got up, to go pick it up Lance walked in.

"Oh, hey... where were you exactly?" Twila said as she picked up his jacket.

"None of you dam business." Lance scolded as he snatched his jacket from Twila's hand.

"Um, okay? Is there something wrong?"

Lance just glared at her before walking out. Twila was confused, she didn't remember doing anything. She didn't do anything right? Making up her mind she decided that she'd give him some time to cool down.

Two days had past since then and Twila was fed up. Finally she went out to look for him. While she was looking for Lance, Twila came to a clearing in the forest. Not long after she walked into the clearing something grabbed her and put its hand over her mouth. Suddenly she felt something sharp against her throat.

" scream and I slit your throat. Got it?" The figure said.

Twila just tensed up and obeyed what it said, for fear that it would actually kill her if she even dared to speak.

"Good choice, obeying like a loyal dog... or I guess in your case a cat."

Twila's fear was soon replaced with fury, its words made her absolutely sick. Replaying its words she failed to notice that she was falling and soon hit the ground. She quickly turned around to see who it was behind her. She saw a man red hair and two different colored eyes. One was completely black expect for a red iris and the other one was a normal white with a black iris, he also had what seemed to be stitches around his neck.

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