The spider queen Kumo

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While Lance was on his way Twila decided to see if she could try to get out of the cell she was held in. The cell was pitch black so she used her hands and moved around in till she found what felt to be bars. Trying to stick her hand through the bar, she felt a painful burning sensation shoot through her arm. At the time she had ignored her injuries, however the burning sensation caused her to acknowledge all the pain she was actually in. She fell back and hit the ground the pain was unbearable, everything hurt, it was excruciating. Around this time Isaiah had walked in and was on the other side of the cell just watching her. However there was something different about him, the air around him froze still, he was more cold, unpredictable, and stern.

"You can't escape, so don't bother trying." Isaiah said coldly.

"Tch, why even bother keeping me here, I rather die then help recreate your twisted fantasies!" Twila said trying to hide the fact that she was in pain.

Isaiah said nothing, instead he opened the cell, grabbed her by the arm,got her to her feet, and dragged her along with him.

"Let me go!" Twila fused.

"Shut up for hell's sake!" Isaiah snapped causing Twila to turn slient.

//Now to Lance//

Lance had just arrived at cave Isaiah was talking about. When Lance walked in he felt something come over him, a feeling of sort. He then realized that it was fear, he was scared the situation, because it couldn't be predicted, Twila could like, or hate him, she could be alive or dead, there was too many variables nothing could be predicted. Trying to ignore the feeling he pressed on, soon the cave was pitch black however being a vampire that didn't bother him in the slightest, walking around Lance noticed that there were pillars that stuck up from the ground. Taking another step a sharp pain shot up his leg, he looked to see the cause of the pain and found a small spider he squashed it and pressed on. Not long after blue and purple flames shot up from the pillars.

"So this is the brat that demon wants me to take care of, how dull

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"So this is the brat that demon wants me to take care of, how dull." Said a voice from the shadows.

A women then appeared from the shadows. She had short brown hair, four red eyes, and four spider legs protruding out of her back.

"What... no who are you?" Lance said disgusted.

"I am Kumo, the queen of spiders, vampire, and all around you are my precious children."

Lance looked around and saw hundreds if not thousands of little spiders. 

"Danse Macabre..." Lance said as he eyes turned a dark shade of red. 

Confused by his words Kumo just lunged at Lance. However he dodged her attack, his movements made it look like he was dancing. After Kumo's second attack Lance kicked over a pillar, setting the tiny spiders all on fire. Kumo look in horror as the spiders where burned alive. That when she realised something, she couldn't win, she would lose it couldn't be stopped. However it didn't bother her, if she was to die she wouldn't go down without a fight. She lunged at Lance one more time, he side stepped, got behind her and delivered the final blow. Refusing to waste any time Lance pressed on, going deeper into the cave.

The Danse Macabre, also called the Dance of Death, is an artistic genre of allegory of the Late Middle Ages on the universality of death: no matter one's station in life, the Dance Macabre unites all. - Wikipedia.   (Also it's a Black Butler reference)

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