Unusual encounter

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The house had gray walls, old wooden stairs, and surprisingly electricity. Outside the house was a back up generator which was good for any power outages that might happen. She didn't find anything or anyone live there she decided to make her self at home. 

For about four years every thing was quite. However all good things come to an end eventually.On a supply run, while she was getting medical stuff and other random stuff she could find she heard the glass from a glass door that used to be there break even more. In an instant she hid herself in a broken freezer. She pinched her nose to avoid the smell of rotten meat. She thought it would be a good idea  to get her gun from her bag just in case and waited for the mysterious figure that she saw when getting in the freezer to disappear. 

As soon as she thought the coast was clear she opened the freezer door and crept out with the fully loaded gun still in hand. All of the sudden something grabbed her by the shoulder. The sudden contact  caused her to turn around and nearly lose balance. After she got a grasp of what had just happened she held  the gun to the creature's head finger on the trigger ready to fire. when it suddenly spoke. 

It said "hey calm down, gees i'm not gonna kill you or anything, promise." 

With extreme caution she put down the gun, but had it by her side ready to fire just in case.

 Twila annoyingly asked,"What exactly do you want,"

 With her eyeing  the creature studying its every move. The creature stood there in slients, causing Twila to give it a questioning look. 

"to be honest i don't really want anything i was just curious about you, mostly because you don't see a lot of humans around anymore," the creature said with a bit embarrassment. 

" maybe becuase you kill most of us," Twila mumbled to were the creature couldn't hear.

This caused and unsettling aura so both keep quite for a bit and just stared at each other. After a bit Twila realised it was pouring down rain. 

"welp guess were stuck, by the way what is you name," the creature spoke out of pure boredom. 

"Twila, Twila Foster, now whats yours and what are you exactly," Twila said as she coutinued to pack up the supplies she had plan to take back with her.

"Lance, and what am i well i am a vampire, by the way what exactly are you doing," Lance said with cofussion as he wached her pack what he thought to be random stuff into a small black draw string bag.

"a little rain is not going to stop me from getting back home," Twila said visiously.

 With how hard it was raining you'd be lucky if you were as to see a foot in front of you. 

"Are you out of you mind, theres no way in hell you could get back to where every your going! You'll get lost!" Lance yelled causing Twila to jump.

". His sudden outburst caused her to snap and yell.

"Why the hell would you even care! are you not just some stupid vampire! Why would you care about someone like me in the first place!". Twila said completely in tears at this point.

 Lance looked at her in shock. Not knowing what to do he just stood there, until she realised that she was crying.

She wasted no time and grabed her bag running out of the store before Lance had the chance to stop her. She continued running afraid of what might happen if she slowed down. Memories of the time she nearly got away, played through her head. The woods, why she was running, to her it felt so much like last time. As they played, she had failed to realise that the ground had become slippery because of all the mud. Her feet slid out from under her, causing her head to hit a rock, knocking her out in the process. 

After about 5 hours Twila woke up though she she just stayed were she was. This is because point she was just gonna give up and just lie there, there was no real point in trying anyway. But something in her mind, refused to let her, lay down and die. She was cold, her legs were bruised all over but she pushed forward. She had a hard time trying to move, but she persisted. The closest place to her was the store so that's where she decided to go. During the accident she had dropped her bag. It probably was somewhat close to where she had passed out, but because of the state she was in she refused to go find it and just forgot about it. She held on to the trees so she wouldn't fall over. This made it quite difficult to get back to the store. 

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