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Meanwhile Lance had made it back to were he lived. While trying to sneak by everyone he overheard his parent's friend talk about how they trashed a house. While overhearing the conversation one of his parents noticed him. 

"Where do you think your going." His dad said annoyed.

Lance just kept quite, he didn't feel like dealing with them today.

"I bet he failed to kill a human, once again! It real pathetic that you can't even do something as simple as that! What a disgrace! His mom exclaimed 

Her little comment made everyone but Lance burst out into laughter.

After some more comments from everyone Lance snapped and punched a near by wall, leavening behind a large dent and cracks in the wall. 

His parents yelled at him and he just responded with,"If you have a dam problem with it than fix it yourself. After all from what I heard your more capable of doing that I am."

 After his outburst Lance went to his room, wishing that they would disappear. He didn't hate his family per say but he wanted to make them feel guilty. The only solution he could come up with would be running away. But then where would he go? He then remembered overhearing them talk about a house and at one point mentioned the location of the house. He went ahead and assumed that it was Twila's house, since she was the only human he knew. Lance packed somethings, jumped out his window, and ran in the direction of the house. 

After two hours he finally made it the house. He knocked on the door and waited a few minutes for a response. When he didn't get a response he decided to teleport inside, and hoped to not be greeted with a foot to the face.

Twila had just finished cleaning up her house and was passed out on the couch, by the time Lance had got there. Lance was confused as to why the place was clean when it was clearly describe as completely trashed. He saw Twila asleep and decided to wake her up. He kept poking her cheek till she slapped his hand away, she sat up still half asleep. She recognized who it was since his hair was white like hers.

"I'm not gonna even question how you got in. So what exactly do you want? Twila said as she let out a yawn.

 "Mind if I stay here for awhile, I mean after all you do owe me.", Lance said glaring at Twila.

"Tch, whatever, guess I do owe you." Twila said whispering that last part.


"But why do you need to stay here, don't you have a home or something."

"That none of you dam business." Lance said as he looked down at the ground.

"Then make it my business! After all I'm letting you stay here I should at lea-" Twila managed to get out before Lance cut her off.

"Shut up!"

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to... Twila said as she trailed off.

Lance and Twila just sat there in silence for a few moments, till lance finally decided to tell her why he needed a place to stay. She just sat and listened to his words.

"And that's all she wrote, so what about you I mean your alive so wouldn't your family be as well?" Lance said as he finished his story.

"Family?" Twila said confused.

"Do you not know what a family is or something?"

Twila just shook her head no.

"Um well a family is, the people who were around and cared for you. They take care of you even if they don't always show it. They keep you safe and make sure you don't get hurt or do something stupid. You had a family right?" Lance said with curiosity.

"I guess... But what you described I don't really know. 

"Well, tell me about your past maybe that will help."

"I-I don't want to." Twila said as she pulled her legs to her chest.

//best picture I could find//

"Its only fair after all I told you about why I'm here now I think it's time to tell me how you got to where you are

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"Its only fair after all I told you about why I'm here now I think it's time to tell me how you got to where you are." Lance said as his patience was wearing thin.

"I got a better idea." Twila said as she looked at Lance.

"And that would be?"

"How about I tell you a story instead will that work?"

"Um, sure I guess." Lance said as his curiosity got the better of him.

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