A Series of Unfortunate Events

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The next day Twila woke up to a note on her face. The note explained that Lance had gone out to see if he could find anything to eat and that he should be back by the afternoon. She looked on her clock, it read 12:28 so he should be back by now. However she didn't trust that if she looked it wouldn't really be Lance, just like last time. She creeped downstairs to see if Lance was actually there. She saw what looked to be Lance, however didn't think it was the real him after what had happened the last time he left. Not thinking she continued downstairs and went to a nearby wall without him noticing. 

"Are you the real Lance?" Twila said suspiciously.

"Of course I am why wouldn't I be?" He said with annoyance.

"Last time you supposedly came three day late and when you did there was a fake in your place. So now I got to see if your the real Lance or that demon.

"Give it you best shot kit-Twila."

"Well that was easy... You really are that demon. I should know because only he would call me... kitten." Twila said just realizing what the consequences of that knowledge would be.

"Idiot, if you knew you should of gotten away from here, but instead you stay and provoke me." The demon said he transformed back into himself.

"So what did you do with Lance, demon!"

"Believe it or not I haven't done anything, he was gone when I got here."

Twila tried to say something that would disprove his words but failed to find any words to say. While in her own thoughts she was obvious to the fact that the demon was right in front of her. She tried to back up when she realised this but instead just walked back into the wall.

"Scared kitten?" The demon said sadistically.

Twila was petrified by her fear, she wanted to run but she couldn't, her mind went blank. Unfortunately for her the demon took notice of this.

"I wouldn't dare kill you, no not yet... after the all the fun isn't over."

He then took a step closer and pinned Twila against the wall just to make sure she didn't run. Taking his free hand he slid his nail down the right side of of her face. When he was done her the right side of her face was covered in blood, along with a gash, that went from near her eye down to her cheek.

"I would stay away from that vampire, might not end well." The demon said as he disappeared.

As Twila started to head to the bathroom to clean her face Lance walked in causing Twila to freeze in her place.

"Sorry it took a bit long than the note said, I lost track of time." Lance said as he closed the door behind him.

"It's f-fine don't... worry about it, now if you need me I'll be going" Twila said trying her best to stay calm.

Before she could take a step Lance grabbed her arm stopping her in, her tracks. However due to the fact that he was a vampire she refused to look at him, in fear of what would happen.

"Twila... why do I smell blood?"

She was slient, and only tensed up at her words. Lance turned her around and before she could react, his eyes widened as he saw her face. Twila was in too shaken to cover up the right side of her face. After a few seconds Lance suddenly stumbled back his face telling Twila everything she needed to know, he was going to transform. She want to run, she wanted it to just be a bad dream that she could wake up from, but she couldn't because it was reality, her reality. Finally snapping out of her trance like state she dashed for her room. She would of gone out the front door however that was behind Lance so she wasnt gonna even bother with it.

She slammed her bedroom door behind her locked it and sat pressed against the glass of a window. She knew better than to hide from a vampire it would be pointless. Not even a minute later the door slammed open causes her to immediately try and back up further, but to no luck. As Lance approached Twila heard a crack, next thing she knew she was falling from a second story window. The last thing she saw was Lance leaning on the window seal with a sadistic smile, then it all went black as she hit the ground.

Some time later Twila awoke, however she wasnt home, instead she was what looked to be a dark cell. She tried to sit up but stopped as soon as pain shot up through her whole body. However when she heard a familiar laugh she sat stight up ignoring the pain as much as possible.

"I'm honestly surprised, I didn't expect you to survive a fall like that, I'm impressed." The demon said as the room suddenly brightened.

"Where in hell's name am I!" Twila said furiously.

"That none of your concern. The real question you should be asking is why, are you here."

"Okay? Then why am I here?"

"Your special, simple as that."

"Special?" Twila said suddenly confused.

"Your unique. I mean come on! It not everyday you meet some human who has lost literally everything thing, from her childhood to her damn family, and after all of that still retain hope!" He said sounding hysterical in the process.

"So what? Why does that make me special? Do want my so called hope or something?

"Want your hope? No-no, no. I have no need for hope I simply want to you suffer and destroy every ounce of hope you have left. Oh how glorious it will be!"

With that he walked away, turn the room dark once more. 

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