The Arrival

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I step off of the boat, not knowing fully what to expect. I was the only new player this season, everyone else was returning. I look around and I see a colorful array of people: Russell Hantz, Fabio, and Phillip Shepard, among others. I'm very intimidated with all these people around, but I can't let it show. Not if I'm going to win. We travel on for what felt like years, and we finally reach the beaches of Nicaragua.

The other tribe pulls onto shore, and I see more familiar faces: Shambo, Naonka, and Parvati. The host, Jeff Probst, comes rolling in on his expensive boat. I see his face, and I think to myself, "He looks even sexier than on TV."

Jeff begins speaking to the contestants, and we make eye contact. I wanted to look away but something in me couldn't. For the duration of his speech, we stared each other down intensely.

He sends us back on the boat towards our beaches, but right before I leave I hear, "Aubrey, stay back for a second. I need to talk to you." My heart starts racing, thinking something has gone on at home. I think about my father, dying of liver cancer. I think to myself is that nigga dead? I falter back.

"Yes Jeff?" I stutter, palms sweating, knees shaking, arms are heavy.

Jeff Probst says, "Aubrey, I just wanted to let you know you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. You were over there looking so sexy I just couldn't help but say something."

"Oh my gosh Jeff, you have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words. I've fantasized about this."

He smiles at me and takes a step forward. "You know this isn't right." His eyes glow with mischief and excitement. I walk towards him, saying, "I know but I don't think we can help ourselves."

He leans into me and we share a kiss. His large nose gets in the way and I have to lean very far to the right, but the kiss was otherwise magical. I feel sparks flying and see fireworks going off around us. I feel my clit tingling and my asshole throbbing, thinking, I want Jeff Probst to penetrate all my holes.

I back away, realizing this is getting too far. "Wait Jeff, we mustn't."

He looks at me, tears in his eyes and snot running down his face. "I know" he says. "At least let me drive you to camp. You can say there was an emergency."

I agree, and I hop on his boat, wishing and praying that one day it will be his cock that I'm hopping onto.

The boat ride there is silent, wind in our hair and water splashing onto our faces. We get to camp and we just exchange a look, and nothing else. I hop off the boat without saying a word, and greet my tribemates. They're all standing around in a circle, whispering and talking. That is, until I approach. So I know they was talking shit.

"Hey guys, sorry I took so long. There was an emergency. What is everyone talking about?"

Makayla looks at me and says, "oh nothing. We just have a problem with you kissing up to the host is all."

I gasp, "I would never! How dare you guys distrust another tribemate! We are a team and we stick together as one. If you think me and that dirty old man have anything going on together you are very mistaken."

Makayla rolls her eyes at me. "Whatever," she says, kicking sand in my face and walking the other way.

A little later in the day, Fabio comes up to me. "What's crack - a - lackin my nigga?" he asks, with his pale white hand extended in a high five.

"420 blaze it, am I right?"

"Hellz yeah, so can I eat your pussy now?"

"Yeah, whatever."

We run off to find a secluded area in the woods. We went down on each other, crabs and spiders crawling all around us. He busts a nut in under two minutes, and we dust off and return to camp.

Upon arrival, Makayla looks at me funny. "You, um, have a little something on your face." I swipe at my face, just now realizing I was carrying Fabio's load on my schnozz.

"Thanks," I say, quickly turning away from her in embarrassment.

We work together to get the fire and the shelter started, and before I know it we are settled in for the night. Dreamz tried sleeping next to me but I told him to get his smelly ass away from me.

"Smh" he says.

"Smh you ugly anyways. Crawl back to the sewers where you came from."

He leaves me alone. I snuggle up between Boston Rob and Fabio, and fall into a blissful sleep, unaware of the crazy 38 days ahead of me.

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