The Trip

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"I love you Fabio" I say.

He looks at me, blank expression. I can see the monkey with cymbals going off in his brain. He starts laughing. I feel my heart start to break. He sees my expression change and immediately stops laughing.

Fabio reaches up his ass for something, and I start getting scared. He pulls out a ukulele.

"The fuck?" I say to him.

"Just wait babe," he says.

He starts tuning the ukulele and then starts strumming to the tune of Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley. I notice he can't sing for shit but besides that, I find it endearing and I feel tears forming in my eyeballs.

Fabio finishes the song and I say "so you love me too or what?"

"Hellz yeah now can I eat your pussy?"

I settle for his answer and let him eat my pussy, in a romantic way.

. . .

The next day, Fabio, Russell, Naonka and I are all sitting by the fire to keep warm on a windy day. For some reason, Jeff shows up.

"Sir?" Fabio says to him as he approaches.

"Ma'am" he says back. I think about saying something in his defense but I just glare at him.

I get distracted by a monkey in the tree screeching louder than Makayla would. I see Jeff doing something out of the corner of my eye but I don't care because I am too focused on the screeching baboon. Then Jeff begins leaving and that catches my attention.

"Where are you going?" I shout as I run after him. "Why did you just show up and leave right away? What do you want?" He stops walking and looks at me for a few seconds.

"Nothing" he shrugs. "Don't worry about it." Then he turns away and continues walking.

"Okay..." I say to myself.

I feel something poking my back. I turn around and Fabio's erection is touching me.

"Special spot?" I ask. He nods.

"Y'all fuckin nasty!" Naonka shouts from her seat near the fire. I flip her off and drag Fabio off to our spot.

We fuck for 30 minutes, he's really stepping his game up. We throw our clothes back on once we finish and walk back over to the fire. We grab our waters and head down to the shore to sit and watch the waves.

I take a few big gulps of my water, still out of breath. Fabio does the same thing then smacks his lips like he's tasting the water.

"I know that taste..." he says, squinting.

"What taste?" I question.

"It's acid."

"WHAT?!" I scream. "Acid? How do you know? I can't taste anything in my water." He yanks my canteen out of my hands and takes a sip of mine.

"Yup, yours has acid too."

"How can you taste it if I cant?"

"I've done too much acid in my life to not know that taste by heart." My mouth hangs open. I smack 'im.

"Really Fabio? Acid?"

"My b"

I roll my eyes. "So what's gonna happen now then?" I ask him.

"In about 45 minutes it'll kick in. You'll know when it does. Just stay calm and it'll be enjoyable." he assures me.

"Okay but like, how did acid get in our water?" I wonder.

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