The Win

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I wake up, excited for a new day. The day before was rainy and cold, and with the sun out, excitement welled up in my veins. Like heroin. 

Fabio and I decide to go fishing so our tribe finds us useful and not just pretty. We get down to the shore, and I can't believe my ears. Fabio asks me, "How does one fish?"

I think to myself, can this nigga get any stupider? "Bruh, deadass?" 

He looks at me and says, "ass dead."

I roll my eyes and hop into the canoe. "It's easy," I say "just do what I do."

We paddle out to the reef, and Fabio immediately begins howling. "MY TOE!" he shouts, over and over, at the top of his lungs. Before I can ask what's wrong the boat tips over. I swim out from underneath it and leave him out there to fix it himself. When he gets to shore I ask him what happened. He shows me a tiny ass splinter the size of a krill. I kick his toe and stomp on his foot for good measure. 

He flicks me in the vagina and punched me in the face. For some reason, this turns me on. We begin brawling, and somewhere in the middle of that his dick slips in. "How'd that happen?" he asks. I shrug, and go with the flow. This time it lasts for six minutes. 

We finish. I say, "Jesus Christ Fabio, you have the libido of a 12 year old boy just learning how to beat his meat!" Fabio goes crimson, and mumbles something under his breath. "Speak up!" I yell. 

"Normally I last 2 hours babe you just be doing something to me."

It's my turn to go red. I smile and grab his hand, and walk back to the beach, fishing completely forgotten. 

That is, until Maknasty opens her mouth. "Where's the fish?!" she screeches. 

"Up my ass" I say, and flip her off. 

Suddenly, I feel a warm, ripping sensation in my asshole. "No the fuck it ain't." She removes her hand from my ass and licks her fingers. I almost gag and she says, "what I gotta eat something." 

I shrug at the random eating of my ass and walk away and head back to the shelter where all the guys are hangin out. We get ready for the challenge and then we all head out together, where Mr. Probst was awaiting us.

Jeff comes parachuting out of the sky, trying to be as extra as possible. I feel not only my pussy tingle, but my heart too. No, I think, Fabio is my one true love. 

"Are you guys ready for today's challenge?" the nigga asks us. We all nod and he says, "For today's challenge, you will be going head to head in a classic mud challenge. Each tribe will send a member up to the platform where they will attempt to push the other person off the platform. In addition to immunity, you guys will be playing for reward. Wanna know what you're playing for?" We nod again and he says, "My cock! Haha just kidding." Everyone goes silent and looks at each other. "....Anyways, you guys will be playing for a tarp, comfort, and a large picnic lunch." 

The tribes pick their cards and I'm up first against Jane. I take one look at her, walk up to her, and flick her in the throat. She goes flying off the platform, her saggy arms acting as wings, into the mud. I score a point for my tribe.

We win the challenge 6-4. We head back to camp with all of our luxury items, and we see Jeff Probst waiting at a picnic table with sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, soft drinks, and an abundance of other foods. I think to myself, what he doin here? 

He begins digging in to all of our hard-earned food. We stand in astonishment as he shoves weiner after weiner down his gullet. 

I clear my throat, "would you like to save some of that for us?" I say to the host. Eventually, he lets us sit down and eat. Well, not me and Fabio. He makes us sit on the ground, at his feet. He also force feeds us table scraps, like dogs. He commands Fabio to bark, and threatens to take away his weiner. I'm not sure if he meant his hot dog or his peni, but I've had enough. I look at Fabio and say, "come on babe you don't need to eat this food, you can just eat my pussy to nourish yourself."

He jolts off the ground and says, "bone smack the teeth." 

We bang so hard, the shelter breaks. We make Probst give us a new one. He complies, but he has a condition. "Once a night," he says, "you must suck my dick." I look at him in disgust and lust, neither one a more prominent feeling. I comply simply because we need the shelter. Plus, watching Jeff Probst build a shelter fulfills some of my wildest fantasies. 

Once the shelter is built, I suck his chode and spit his semen right back in his face. "Spitters ain't quitters." I say to him. 

Before he leaves he says to me, "wasn't that good anyway. Maybe I'll make Fabio do it next time." I kick his left nut, and he hobbles away. 

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