Chapter 45

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The day I've been dreading has come, LaMelo and LiAngelo are leaving and I'm going to Lonzo. Their luggage is already in the car only thing missing is them, I finally have my drivers license so I'm gonna drive to LA by myself. I'm glad I got a Range Rover for my birthday cause I have a lot of suitcases, driving a small car wouldn't be good in this situation.

"Hurry up son!!" LaVar shouts from the car.

Me and LaMelo are hugging for 2 minutes straight now, I just don't want to let him go knowing I'm not gonna be able to do this anymore for at least a couple months.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" I mumble against LaMelo's chest.

"You better" LaMelo jokes.

If I wasn't this sad I probably would've punched him and laughed, but I can't right now. I don't want to let him go, if something will happen in these months I can't run to him to just cuddle and I hate it.

"Hey" LaMelo grabbed my face and made me look up at him. "You'll survive" He whispers before kissing me for the last time.

It's a passionate kiss, and I cherished every second of it.

"Look at the bright sight of all of this, you only have to deal with Zo" LiAngelo says coming out of the house with Dip in his arms.

"He's the worst one" I roll my eyes causing them to laugh.

LaMelo pulls me into a hug one more time and kisses the top of my head, we said our final goodbyes before he got into the van. LiAngelo hands Dip over to me and follows LaMelo, I hug dip while walking over to my car. I open the door and put Dip in the passenger seat, I close the door and quickly make my way over to the driver's seat. I get in the car and start the engine, I back out of the garage and drive out of the the Ball Estate.

"You gonna be my new cuddle buddy Dip" I sigh, taking a quick glance at him.


"The queen has arrived!" I holler through Lonzo's apartment as I open the door.

"The queen of trash yeah" I hear Lonzo say causing Darren to laugh.

"Oh look if it ain't dumb and dumber" I roll my eyes and unleash Dip from his leash.

The BITF crew walks into the apartment with all my luggage, Darren finally makes himself useful and shows them my room. I really thought everyone would go to Lithuania but apparently the crew split up because they need some footage of me and Lonzo too, hooray!

"Ion think someone who backed into a garbage can the same day they got their drivers license, is allowed to call someone else dumb" Lonzo says exposing me in front of the camera.

"THAT GARBAGE CAN SHOULDN'T BE THERE" I yell in frustration.

So three days ago, I accidentally hit a garbage can which in my defense shouldn't be in that particular place but it's whatever. Just to my luck, Lonzo and Austen were in the car with me so you already know what happened. A lot of snaps have been made, Lonzo immediately facetimed LaMelo who was with Daijon and the others. And if that isn't bad enough Lonzo now exposes me on camera, so soon the whole world knows it.

"Now don't blame it on the garbage can, that wasn't on his part" Lonzo jokes around.

"Don't you have practice or sumn?" I ask annoyed.

I lift Deuce up from the ground and take a seat on the couch with him in my arms, I kiss the top of his little head and pet him.

"No I don't, and don't touch my dog" Lonzo says while throwing a now empty Chipotle bag in the trash can.

"You're a NBA player, when are you gonna stop eating fast food every damn day" I remark while putting Deuce down.

"I don't eat it every day sooo" Lonzo responds, making his way over to the couch and sitting down on 'his spot'.

"Oh!" I gasp and put my hand in front of my mouth. "Totally forgot you eat a healthy home cooked meal maybe twice a week, when Denise is home before you" I say sarcastically.

"You're here for not even 10 minutes and you two already going at it" Darren says shaking his head.

"This wasn't my idea, I just got dragged into it" Lonzo says making me huff.

"Oh shut up you love it knowing you the boss and being able to tell me what I can and can't do" I roll my eyes making Darren laugh.

"That indeed is my favorite thing to do" Lonzo grins.

"Come on Dip, you don't wanna be around that baboon" I stand up and make my way to my 'new' bedroom with Dip following me.

I decide to text the girls since I have nothing else to do, okay that's a lie I have to unpack all my shit.


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It's 1 AM and as usual I'm still not asleep, just when I want to watch another episode of Riverdale I get an incoming facetime call from LaMelo.

"Hey" I smile when I see his face appear on my screen.

"You needa get me outta here" LaMelo immediately says making me chuckle.

"What time is it there?" I ask him.

"11 AM. It's cold and I miss you" He responds with a pout.

"Awh, I miss you too. Zo is already gettin on my nerves, I don't miss living with that guy" I tell him causing him to laugh.

"He brought the car thing up didn't he"

I roll my eyes and didn't respond to him.

"What are you gonna do today" I ask him ignoring what he just said.

"Meeting the team and all that" LaMelo sighs.

I know he really isn't looking forward to this, all week he was being emo about leaving and he wanted me to come with them for the first couple days since I start school next monday but the first flight back was next tuesday so that wasn't an option.

"Melo try to make the best out of it, I know you don't wanna be there right now but as soon as you start hooping it will prolly get a lot better" I say to him while rolling on my side.

"Okay" LaMelo sighs deeply.

"Whatchu watching?" He asks probably hearing Riverdale playing on the background.

"The show you hate" I chuckle.

"Oh hell naw, not that River sale shit again" He groans making me laugh.

"RiverDALE" I correct him.

"Ion care what it's called, that don't change the fact that it's trash" He rolls his eyes.

"Whatever Melo" I yawn.

"Go to sleep" LaMelo says.

"No Ion wanna hang up" I mumble.

"But you clearly tired it's 1 AM in LA" He turns around to lay on his back.

"I want to hear yo voice" I say quietly while closing my eyes.

"Aight ma, just go to sleep I'll hang up when you out" I hear LaMelo say causing me to smile a little.

"Love ya" I whisper.

"Love ya too"

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