Chapter 19

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LaMelo and Ashley broke up 2 weeks ago, I told his ass to stay friends but they got into a fight because his dumbass told her she always argues about 'stupid shit'. Even tho it's the truth he didn't have to put it like that, me and the girls still talk to Ashley cause we ain't got beef with her I mean I still go to school with her and it's actually nice to have a girl friend instead of only boys.
I'm lying on the couch with my head on Tina's right leg because LaMelo's annoying ass wants to copy me and has laid his big ass head on her left leg. I told him to move but he came with shit like 'that's my momma I can do what I want' so I just let it go, and also I think Tina enjoy's our company and I can't lie and say it's not nice to have quality time like this.


"Do you like having LaMelo home all day?" Steve asks Tina.

"Yeah! Haha" Tina laughs when LaMelo made imitates her.

"What's it like having Cherray in the house too" Steve asks.

"Yeah, great!" Tina smiles while grabbing my hand.

"She like the mother I neva had" I spoke softly while looking at her.

"Yeah d-dau" "daughter?" "Yeah daughter" Tina looks back at me.

"Yeah I'm very happy to have Tina as my mom too" LaMelo joked making everyone laugh.

(LaMelo's POV)

"Tina you ready to take a nap?" Dajuan asks.

"Yeah" My mom replies.

Me and Cherray move up from her legs so she can get up, she grabs her walking stick and gets up from the couch. I instantly lay my head on Cherray's lap, she groans and pushes my head away.

"Excuse me?" I ask acting all offended and shit.

"You always on me witcho heavy ass, give me a break nigga" She says while getting up.

"That's not nice" I mumble.

It is true tho. I don't know why but ever since I broke up with Ashley me and Cherray have been closer than ever, we do almost everything together these days. Maybe it's just me who is clinging on to her all the time, but I just really enjoy her company lately. My dad thinks it's annoying cuz he has to tame two kids, to be honest he's just overreacting like always.

"Let's go to the mall" Cherray says causing me to look up.

"To do what exactly?" I ask her.

"Uhm Ion kno if you remembered but it's Zo's birthday tomorrow and we both ain't go no presents" She replies.

I totally forgot to be honest, call me a bad brother but I'm pretty sure Lonzo and LiAngelo forgot my 13th birthday so we have a tie.

"You forgot didn't ya?" Cherray places her hand on her hip waiting for answer.

"No I just.. I wasn't sure if that's what you wanted to do" I lie while getting up from the couch.

"Liar" Cherray says as I walk past her.

"Whatchu waiting for?" I turn around waiting for her.

As she was searching for her slides I feel my phone buzz, when I pull it out of my pocket I saw someone send a text in the groupchat I got with the boys.

Guess who tf me and Gelo just saw


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