Chapter 3

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I was laying down in my bed with a tissuebox, watching tv when Denise walked in. "We're going out to eat, you coming?" She asked.

"Nah I'm feeling real fucked up right now man" I sighed. I'm so angry and sad at the same time that I'm sick at a moment like this, like this is Hawaii and I'm laying in my bed like it's Alaska with a cold. Life is not fair.

"Alright you need anything before I go?" Denise asked. "No thank you" I replied.

"Get some sleep and ask for some soup downstairs when you're hungry, you really need to get better it's not as fun without you" Denise said making me smile.

"I will now go before Lavar get's mad about having to wait" I chuckled. She laughed before walking out of my room, closing my door afterwards.

Denise is a really good friend of mine even tho she is 6 years older, ever since Zo introduced her to the fam she instantly treated me like her little sister. Denise is very close friends with Kaliah so she introduced her to all of us and I  also immediately became friends with her and Izzy is in the picture since last year she's is also a very good friend of mine, they are the only girl friends I have since I don't really get along with girls most of them are so evil and complicated. But these three happen to be really chill, if it wasn't for the boys I never would've met them.

It's such a fucking bummer, I want to go with them so badly but I know that if I stand up right now I'll, one freeze to death, and two pass the fuck out. Noni brought me some tea and a bucket because I had to throw up, I love her she always takes care of us when we're sick.

Someone knocked on my door. "Come in" I said. And in walked Lamelo Ball.

"What do you want, shouldn't you be out eating with the fam" I said glaring at him.

He closed the door and walked closer to my bed. "I'm not going I told them I'm gonna stay with you" He said.

"And who said I want that?" I raised my eyebrow. "I'm sorry Cherray, I was stupid to not notice that I was hurting you I don't know what I was thinking. Hell I wasn't thinking at all, and I promise to never ever do it again. You my nigga, the real one. I know I can always depend on yo ass, and I want you to know you can depend on me too cuz beside my mom you're the most important girl in my life and you know it. 12 years of friendship bruh we're not about to throw that away" Melo said standing in front of my bed.

I wanted to smile real hard because he rarely apologize and he never talks about how much someone means to him, he rarely talks about his feelings at all. I couldn't even hide my smile anymore.

"So we good?" He asked. "No" He frowned. "Why you smiling then" I laughed out loud. "I'm kidding Melo we good now, just know that if yo ass ever do this again I'm finna knock you the fuck out" I said making him laugh.

"Aight King kong, let's watch a movie" Melo said while getting in my bed. "Melo!! I'm cold as fuck don't pull the blanket away from me!" I yelled at him.

"Oh my- chill out bruh" He said as I pushed the blanket back. He grabbed the tv remote and turned the tv on. "What you wanna watch?" He asked.

I shrugged before I got the best idea. "MOANA"  Melo chuckled. "You're so predictable" I rolled my eyes as he searched for the movie.

I thought the entire camera crew was out with the others but I was wrong because a some guys just walked into my room, they never leave me alone might as well accept it.

"We finna ride jet skis tomorrow, you think you going?" Melo asked.

"I don't kno" I sighed. "You have to come man" He said making me chuckle. "You can't go somewhere without me or something" I smirked.

"Who you think you are? Rihanna?" Melo asked making me laugh. "No Cherray Lakeisha Williams that's who the fuck I am" I said, flipping my hair.

"Oh I kno her, she ugly!" Melo let out one of his famous scream/laughs I don't even know how to call it. He always does it when he says something which HE thinks is VERY funny, or when someone is getting roasted.

"Oh you think you funny now?" I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll yo eyes at me" He said grabbing my face and shaking it.

"Lamelo stop! I have a headache" I snapped. "Oh I'm sorry lil mis dramaqueen" He chuckled.

Suddenly the movie started so I ignored his annoying ass, I was really cold so I lay my head on his shoulder and basically cuddled with his arm like I always do.

"Get off me Chay, it's hot as fuck in here" Melo said smushing my head into my pillow.

"I'm cold Melo, be nice for once" I pouted. "Fine" He groaned making me smile.

I immediately retook my position and wrapped my leg around his stomach. "Excuse me miss, this wasn't the agreement" He said.

"Shut up and watch the movie" I said. He huffed and placed his hands on my leg.

I missed times like this just us besties watching a movie, can't let him know I called us besties because he doesn't like that word at all.


When the movie was over I noticed the roles are now reversed, Melo was all cuddled up on me as I was laying on my back. This nigga is heavy as fuck for being that skinny, don't let it fool you.

"Yo we back" The door opened and Gelo, Zo, Denise and Kaliah walked into the room.

"Awh the besties are back together in their old habitat" Zo said while sitting down on the couch, pulling Denise on his lap.

"I feel like such a proud dad" Gelo said, wiping an imaginary tear. I rolled my eyes and pushed Melo off of me. He mumbled something before turning around and snore again.

"Is he going to leave any time soon or do I have to sleep on the ground?" Kaliah asked making us laugh.

"You should know, that nigga ain't finna go nowhere I can guarantee you that. Try wake his ass up and see what happens" Gelo said.

"He's knocked out" Denise laughed. "Oh my god, I don't want to sleep in Ejay and Milan's room" Kaliah groaned.

"If I were you I'd take the couch downstairs cuz you not gonna sleep tonight with them boys" Zo said. "Or take the Hammock outside, it's not that cold anyways" I said.

"Says the girl who is all wrapped up in her blankets" Gelo said making me roll my eyes.

"I actually always wanted to sleep in a hammock, so that's what I'm gonna do" Kaliah said grabbing a pillow and a blanket.

"Well I'm finna go sleep too" Gelo said after standing up and ruffling my hair. "Go" I huffed while slapping his hands away.

"We're out too" Zo said as Denise got up. "Goodnight babe" Denise said. "Night" I smiled.

Zo turned the light off and closed the door, I turned the tv off and the only thing I could hear right now was Melo's snores and the waterfall from te pool. I grabbed a long pillow and put it beside me, because I now Melo and whenever he sleeps next to me has the tendency to roll over leaving me with no space at all. He also likes to grab things and pull it closer, I ain't with that shit because last time he grabbed my arm and drooled all over it.

I turned around facing the window and closed my eyes, the sound of the waterfall helped me fall asleep in no time.

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