More change

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Perhaps a week after The beach incident i woke up and went about my usual routine. Now, Moominmama wakes me when she does so that we may cook breakfast together. The usual Routine; Carry in well water for the basins and laundry, open some windows and begin breakfast. 

I felt fresh on this particular day as i could clearly smell the ocean from home on the a brisk breeze. 
"It's getting cold out so quickly.."
"Yes, winter will be upon us soon."
With no further words we began making our own plates and sat in the silence. almost as soon as we finish eating, the boys and Little My came down seemingly one after the other. I made their plates and head out the door. 
"I'm gonna go to my spot in the forest if anyone needs me."
I grabbed my cloak and strapped on my boots before embarking to that familiar place. 

Soon i reach my tree and climb up to take in the view. The new season creeps ever closer. The summer bode its farewell with a pocket or two of warm air in the breeze. The leaves now begin to fall and blanket the ground in order to become insulation for some burrows and the smaller flora. Squirrels and others of the genus continue to hide their winter meals.
The world sings yet again, a sleepy song that will lull those who hibernate into their slumber.
The natures song pulls at my heart and tugs a tune out of my own mouth. 

Time must have gotten away from me once more. It seemed like that particular spot wasn't even in the common reality.. This time i find Snufkin is the one listening in on my song. 
"Very nice, Kestret."
"O-oh, thanks.."
"Well, i must be on my way for the winter."
As he made way for the mountains i slid down the trunk as fast as i could.
"What do you mean? For the winter?"
"Yes, i leave every winter and return on the first day of spring. I need to be alone and-"
I interrupted him with a hug but quickly pull away. I should have asked first..
"Sorry- it's just, ill miss you. I should have asked before getting in your space.."
"It's fine, please don't do that again."
"Yeah of course! It's just i appreciated having you as a friend this past summer. I..uh, never had very many people i could confide in."
He looked at me with an understanding of my behavior but shock of the suddenness. I say my goodbye and we go our separate ways.

On the way back to Moomin house i ran into sniff and he explained that he too hibernates in the winter. We as well, exchanged seasonal farewells before he locked himself inside.

Moomin house seemed a lot different. Was i really just gone for a few hours? All windows were closed with the curtains drawn. When i step inside i have a seat and pour myself a much needed cup of hot coffee.
"So, i saw Snufkin on my way back. Hes gone for the winter."
"Don't remind me.."
Moomin said this as if hes sulking. I take another sip of coffee waiting because Little My is sure to pipe up any moment. and just like clockwork she does.
"Moomins sad his best friend has to leave. It's the same issue every single year. Makes no sense to me because Moomins all hibernate through the winter."
"Ah, yes well i'm rather sad myself. as you recall, he was the one to drag me out of the water and the first to put his hand out in aid."
She nods in agreement and resumes minding her business.
"Soon we should be off to sleep. Feel free to take care of yourself for the winter. It will be just you and Little My."
Hearing that i had a depressing feeling of regret that made my heart skip and sweat bead. Iv'e yet to even reconcile properly with her... A whole winter stuck every day cooped up in one place with her. I didn't let the feeling of dread show and replied calmly.
"Oh that sounds very peaceful. It will be the first time cooking without your aid or guidance haha."
"Oh well i have plenty of confidence that you can take care of things now. Its only been one season but you have grown a lot."
"Thank you Moominmama."

Skip to after the moomin slumber set in and there was just My and myself. The first week or so was really silent. Just a dull routine we set in on; wake, stoke fire, fetch water, cook, clean. Each meal Little My and myself spoke naught to each other and sat on opposite sides of the table for meals. Weeks this continued till i decided enough was enough.
"So, about summer.."
She looked up from her soup, surprised but listened.
"I forgive you for how you behaved. It was silly of me to have held onto it for so long. I hope we can move past it officially and make this winter not so utterly depressing and tense."
She silently got up and walked across the table to me.
"It's fine. It was very cruel of me to pick at your trauma like that.."
We shook hands and from that day forward winter wasn't as bad anymore. 

From then on we worked together a lot more. I showed her how to cook some of the things Moominmama showed me and we exchanged stories.
"So, you are telling me that this very safe valley has a monster?"
"Yeah! The Groke is so cold she leaves a trail of ice wherever she goes and its totally unloveable."
"Oh ok that sounds so fake. Nobody is truly unlovable."
"The Groke is."
"Well if i met her id try to be friends!"
"Whateverrrr Kestret, whatever."
Conversations like this and covering various other topics fill the whole winter. each and every freezing day. I never thought she and i would become friends but there we were, friends!

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