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The next day on our way back to Moomin house i had planed to find my way back. Not to my first universe, but back to this one, to Moomin valley. For the first year and a half all i had done was dream. All i could do is dream of my own bed, of the old technology. Back there i had a cellphone and so much clothes. Back there i had pre-made food and never had to work for anything. I was spoiled and didn't understand the importance or beauty of nature.
Since coming to Moomin valley i found that i didn't need those things. What was a phone or computer to the greatness of the world around me? What was a fancy mattress to the feel of waking to the sun and sleeping with the moos specifically? I didn't need pre-made clothes from a shop when i could make what i liked on my own. Food seemed to taste richer when i learned to grow and hunt for what i needed. 
How could i re-integrate into society again? I would be sent to a lab and tested on till i died. After all this time, Moomin valley was all that was safe for me. Maybe i could see my family and tell them i'm alright then return? 

I came back to Moomin house and explained where Snufkin and i ventured off to last night. I was too scared to mention what we had discovered.. Snufkin promised he would keep that secret for me.
While walking to the beach that day i had palnned to simply dive in and find my way. It would hurt too bad to say goodbye and it would be silly to do so if i ended up not finding passage. At the edge of the water i stood on a rock, mentally preparing myself. Its been so long i have to do this. 
With the mask on i ran and jumped for it. 
The salt water stung my eyes for a minute but as i adjusted i dove deeper. The water was so open and i felt so light. It was like i was a bird in the sky! Still terrified of the dark depths i kept to the shallower areas. 

An hour or so and i found the tiny island where mermaids swam around. I was protected so i ventured closer and asked how to get back. The witches were wrong, they didn't want to eat me, did they? 
"How can i get back?"
"There is a cave, we remember you."
 Two mermaids showed me to a beautiful cave that was hidden behind a forest of kelp. The  entrance was surrounded by shiny shells and corals around which tropical fish swam in and out of. Occasionally i would hear the mermaids whisper about a queen which scared me quite a bit.  Inside i crept, the two had left me at the entrance. There on a throne of fan corals and sea glass encrusted, seaweed coated stone sat a monster i assumed was the queen. 
"Excuse me miss?"
Her eyes snapped open to reveal dull, green eyes. They were a color that was like fine sand settled on jade pearls.
"You wish to cross back over i assume?"
The strength in her voice could not have been guessed with her sickly exterior.
"Speak up child, you should have a tone that conveys your request."
I coughed to clear my throat of my fear and spoke loud.
"I want to get back to my initial word."
"You must first help me."
I inched forward awaiting my instruction.
"I have an illness that cant be healed by any remedy in this world. Bring me something to cleanse myself and you may pass between worlds all you like."
Immediately my mind went to quartz but that couldn't be it... I had it! A bottle of soap, i used to use a kind that removed almost all bacteria back in my first home. 
"Ma'am i have just the thing. What are my directions on how to return?"
She instructed i take out my ball of yarn and tie its end to her throne.
"As long as you have both ends in each world you can come back. Now go, save me."
Just behind another curtain, that looked like old sail cloth, a brilliant light shown and begin to swirl. It swirled and swirled until i could see my old bathtub. Hesitantly, one foot at a time i came through with the ball of yarn in my hand. I poured up from the drain and tied the end to the tubs handle. Ringing out my clothes i tucked a bottle of soap in my bag and came out of the room.

The house was dark, everyone was asleep. Carefully and as silently as possible i gathered some things i thought i needed. Things like hair ties, snacks i haven't had since leaving and a couple outfits i so dearly missed. As long as i had been gone, nothing in the house changed. My room was untouched as was the furniture's order in all the rooms i visited.
Being as late as it was i simply curled up in the tub and slept.

"Joanna? Joanna?!"
Suppose i no longer recognized my given name fully. I didn't realize i was being spoken to until i felt my shoulder being shaken.
"Howd' you get here??"
As fast as my body would let me, i woke up and simply explained.
"That isn't important. I'm home and you should know i'm well and have been the entirety of my absence."
"Oh haha where'd you pick up such an accent?"
"My hosts'. I'm afraid i cant stay."
My parents looked still relieved but over all shocked. Three years without their daughter and she sets to leave once more.
"Oh, don't look so shocked or sad. I can come there and back at any time at all. It's just.. I wanted to let my friends and hosts' that i will be gone for a season or two."

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