Hobgoblins Choice

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I suppose it has been about five years now i have lived in this new world. My home has now become familiar and the point of my safety. The pantry filled with foraged and canned foods from previous harvest. This simple two floor cabin had become a common place to see many of those who lived in the valley. Eventually i and Sniff had dug out a basement as to host more visitors. 

Now nearing fall my now thriving garden was close to harvest. I weaved carefully through the rows of beans and gourds, crunching the leaves under my old boots. My coat draped over my shoulders in the case that the the north were to send a kiss i let my mind wander in the opposite direction of my feet. Before i knew it i had once again found myself overlooking the world. On top of Lonely Mountain you could see just about everything. The higher i climbed the more the breeze reddened my nose and cheeks. The sky was a clear as it could be, showcasing the birds that journeyed south. Soon after Harvest your friend Snufkin would go that way as well in his own journey. You do so miss him but nearly as much as Moomin does, that is certain.  I was broken from my train of thought with the squall of a panther from above. 
"What in the world? Is that the Hobgoblin?"

Later i headed out to Moomin house, we were having a party to celebrate togetherness before winter. There was a deck on which we danced while Snufkin played music at the edge. Sniff and i can't really dance so we moved hand in hand as well as we could. Just above the up beat mouth organ you could hear the not to far away  waves crashing. I always wandered what was on the other ends of its vast and stirred surface. Perhaps a land just like the initial but i was more than okay with not knowing. Rather than dwell on that scary thought i spent the night drinking and singing along with my dear friends. All was well before an unknown figure came down from the heavens and landed at my feet. 
"Where is the human?"
I raised my glass filled with home made berry wine to him and slurred out a sentence as well as one could.
"Who wants to know?"
He dismounted from his panther and stepped closer to my face and pointed a finger at me. It must have been a spell as i suddenly sobered up.
"I do as you are human and do not belong. If you were to one day procreate they would not be affected by the magic that makes you small."
"So what is it you are going to do?"
"I have come to make you into any of the native genomes that you choose. I will give you a week to decide on which."
With that the mysterious man, whom i later learned was the Hobgoblin, mounted his panther and took off into the night after returning me to my drunken state.

The rest of that night went just as jolly as ever for me but those who remained sober sat around and worried for my fate. Everyone knew i was very responsible but some still were concerned over me giving up my humanity. All who were unique were welcome here after all right? 

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