The journey home

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Back across the sea, we sailed. In my arms, a newfound treasure rocked both by myself and the endless waters. Once the sun began to rise and blind we stole away under the deck where I looked down affectionately to my baby and cooed my promises to always care for him. As well as wondering aloud how I will baby proof my home.
"I swear to always protect you and raise you to be a fine young man. Before then I must safe-ify our home. My dear, perhaps you will learn that it is okay to cry first and foremost."
Kiviä simply looked at me and blew a raspberry while grabbing at my shirt. As of now he knew naught of what I said and figured I was playing a game with him. 

Hours passed quickly as we both fell asleep in one of the crews' hammocks. waking to the feeling of the ship swaying harder my eyes flutter open and squint toward the opening in the decks' floor. 
"What..? what's going on?"
Once coherent I could then make out the faint shouts and sounds up above us. It sounded like water splashing down which would seem normal but it was rougher and more wild than before. The sun still shone brightly so it can't have been a storm. Carefully I swaddled Kiviä and sat him in his basket. 
"What is going on up here? Is eve- By the booble! It's The booble!"
Before my eyes, Edward  Broke the surface and splashed about wildly. The crewmen Scattered about grabbing ropes and tying them down, battening the hatches and pulling on their rain slicks.
"Ma'am, please go hide under the deck! This is not a place for a lady to stand about right now!"
I grabbed this pirate by the arm and command desperately he does just that as my son may fall and get hurt. I grabbed a spare rain-slick and tied myself to the mast and oar port. Above all the noise and gallons of water splashing down, I called out.
"Edward the booble will you excuse me please?!"
As if I had hit a switch he stopped and turned to find where the tiny voice had come from. As he looked from side to side then all-around water continued to rock the ship.
"Sir, p- Sir we are down here at your right side!"
Now looking at us he sank carefully so that his gaze met mine. 
"My, that is a big voice coming from a small creature. What could be the matter?"
I steadied my stance and leaned on the side to reach his ear. Gathering my remaining breath i collected myself and wiped the hair from my face. 
"Sir I am sure this is your place to bathe but may we pass? Might you stop till we are clear at the least? There is a baby on board and who might I be to break the promise to keep him safe?"
The boobles expression went from a small bit inconvenienced to soft and understanding. He was a large creature but that did not mean he was a bad creature. This was the giant creature that so understandably paid for the funerals of those whom he mistakenly stepped on. It is rather difficult to see every little thing in your path whilst being so fantastically large.
"Y-yes of course ma'am. May I apologize by carrying you right to your destination?"
I placed a wet and peeling paw on his large jaw and nodded thankfully.
"Yes, that would be nice. we are headed to Moomin Valley."

Before we were plucked from the sea I helped the crewmen tie everything gown including themselves and then making a quick sling for Kiviä to ride on my hip. Once even I and Kiviä were secured to the mast once more Edward the booble lifted our ship and carefully waded toward our home.
"So is everyone okay? I didn't hurt any of you did I?"
Tucking the last locks of my hair out of my face and looking over Kiviä before my own paws I sighed with a soft smile. 
"No, we are all fine. Including my fantastic and resilient escorting crew."
Edward squinted to the baby on my hip and bombed a laugh as Kiviä cooed and grabbed at my soaked hair.
"Is this young man among the crew then? So close to you as a bodyguard would be."
Kiviä must have found this as amusing as I did for he clapped his paws and laughed.
"No, I am afraid not, this is my son. The aforementioned baby on board."
"Oh? Why does a strong young thing such as yourself need an escorting crew anyway?"
Just before I could answer land came in sight and from the distance, I could see Mamma and Snork maiden waving handkerchiefs whilst Snufkin and pappa waved their hats.
"My father cares for me very much. all of my family do. They want to see me again just as much as I want to see them again."
The booble set the ship down safely just off the shore and turned carefully around as to not rock the ship again.
"It must be nice to have such people in your life. Good day."
With that he dove into the depths and vanished leaving just a ripple in his wake whilst the rafts were deployed and we made landfall.

"Was that the booble?!"
Little my shouted in disbelief from Pappa's shoulder who shared the same expression of disbelief like everyone else. I shielded the remaining sunlight from Kiviäs eyes and nodded facing the horizon.
"Yes and hes is such a nice creature indeed... Oh, it is good to be home!"

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