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This next story continues off of the one with Sniff. By this point, we had nearly provoked the law a few times. Now with a small fortune of about ten bucks i headed to the nearest towns market place.
When i arrived there were stalls all over the place. Some with foods, tools, clothes or toys. Nothing really caught my eye so i kept wandering about. I looked through the tools and such till i found a really cool knife. It had a big blade with a serrated edge on the top side. The handle was of bone, carved in was runes representing the elements surrounded by flora i didn't recognize. Hemulen could tell me what these are im sure.
"Interested in that piece are you?"
"Mhm. its nice."
"Just nice? Something just nice must have a modest price! What do you suggest?"
That was odd.. I don't have much money so i low ball it.
"Six bucks."
"Woah! just the price of simple flower seeds! Eight!"
How did he know?? Shocked at the coincidence i accept. I pocket the tool and continue looking around. I happen upon a stall that was filled with cloths, threads and yarns. All the colors i haven't seen yet. Blues, golds, grays, greens and rainbows. 
"Ahh! interested in my work? Choose your work wisely dear, some are enchanted."
I look up to see the vendor. its an old woman with frizzy red hair and eyes of a cat. She cackles when i stare in awe of her stock.
"Yes, yes! Some protect you and others draw adventure!"
I reach my hand forward but pull it back. She was probably just trying to make a sell.
"But some do nothing at all hee hee!"
Now that seemed more reasonable.
"The work chooses you so follow your heart dear."
My hand moved almost without my knowing. I grasp a ball of yarn that was shades of blues with specks of yellow and green. Like golden waves it seemed to stand out against all other colors.
"Ohh i can never say what one means but i will give it to you for whats left in your hand bag there!"
all i had was two bucks.. it was too beautiful to be only two bucks.
"i-i.. only have two bucks ma'am."
"No worries, you cant pass unless you gift the power to the gate keeper so your work pays for it."
I had no idea what that meant but i was grateful. I quickly tucked the ball of yarn in my bag and turned for home. The vendor called after me as i vanished in the crowd.
"Knit with needles you make with your own hands or you will never know!"
How did she know..?

Once returned to Moomin house i took a few hours of respite. It was a very hot day that summer. 
"So, what did you get?"
"A surprise."
"Can't you tell us?"
"Its secret."
Little My sat back and sulked, nobody keeps secrets from her. I sat back in my chair and fanned myself.  Looking over at Moomin i chuckled.
"Sure wish i had short fur like yours. Its sooooo hot out i could for sure go without clothing like that."
His face blushed for a split second making me laugh out loud.
"I wasn't suggesting anything explicit haha i'm just saying the less clothes the better in the heat!"
Moominmama came in and suggested we all go to the beach. By now i was able to get in the ocean at thigh depth and even swim very well in still water. I still declined though.
"I'm sorry, i was going to look for Hemulen with some questions. You can go now and i will meet you back there."
I grabbed a bag of water and set out. 

As i expected, he was on the lonely moutain path.
"Yes Kestret?"
He looked up from a daisy he was inspecting and watched as i pulled out my knife.
"I bought this from the market place and couldn't recognize the flora."
I hand it over and he inspected it close with the magnifying glass. A few moments pass and he looks up.
"These are not real."
"What do you mean?"
"They are simply mythical flowers. Said to grant powers similar to that of clear quartz."
"So, with the intent the user puts in? Interesting.. Thank you so much Hemulen!"

On my way home i looked and looked for a stick to make the needles out of. Everythign was far too brittle or soggy. Some sticks were too hard to cut and others the knife would slip through like butter. 
While later i show up at Moomin house and expressed exasperation. 
"What ever is the matter Kestret?"
Leaning against the table i sighed loudly. 
"Can't seem to find a stick good enough to carve knitting needles out of.."
Moominpapa suggested i check in his wood shed and i was delighted to find a perfect piece of bamboo. Must have been from the Jungle that once surrounded the house.
"May i use this piece of bamboo Moominpapa?"
I handed over the piece so he could examine it. 
"Yes, but what do you plan to carve?"
"My very own knitting needles for this cool yarn i got. Perhaps i will make the coziest scarf or mask for the winter."
With that i went out to the veranda and began shaving away the outer part. 

Hours later the sun was down just as i finished the last shaves, smoothing the needles. Time to knit. But not before showing Moominmama them, she was the one to teach me knitting after all.
"Moominmama! Moominpapa! I've finished them."
Presenting my new tools i beamed. 
"Very nice Kestret, what ever did you carve them from?"
I pulled out my knife and handed it over to be looked at. Explaining where i got it Moominpapa nodded.
"I plan to knit something with my own yarn as well. To put to test what Moominmama taught me."

In the night i decided what to make and began in the moonlight. Loop by loop i cast on a row of about twenty and set to work(no pun intended). Two rows and i crawled into bed. As excited as i was to find out the yarns magic i wanted to enjoy the daylight. 

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