Spring bloom

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By now the new year has rolled around. Most of the snow has melted and handed the baton to springs many showers. The previously barren trees began to bud for the returning birds and waking fauna. I woke early and got Little My to help me.

We went out and gathered fresh turkeys tongue from the near field and fry them in saved baking grease to go along with some perch caught in the stream. Its far from the usual breakfast of simple pancakes but we thought something extravagant and new was in order. Something to thank the Moomins for their hospitality and welcome them into the new year. 
Served with yesterdays bread and fresh brewed coffee. By the time we set the table Moomin had risen and marched down seemingly floating on the fresh foods scent.
"What smells so good?"
"Have a seat and find out!"
Little My make the curious boy a plate and he happily dug in. While he ate i made him a sandwich or two for the wait for Snufkins return.
"Wow Moominmama taught you this?"
"No, i don't recall this recipe at all."
Moominmama came in with Moominpapa right behind her.
"Ah well it wasn't all me. Little My helped a lot."
My Stood proud before she and i made them plates as well and seeing Moomin off for the day. Already cleaned for spring and aired the house all that was left was the last bit of dishes and laundry to be cleaned which Moominmama insisted she do. 

"Well, nothing to do huh?"
"hmm.. wanna go wait for Snufkin with Moomin?"
I nod in agreement and we set out, soon catching up with Moomin who is sitting on the bridge staring at his reflection with Snorkmaiden at his side.
"Lets see what they are talking about."
"ngh ehhh i don't wanna impose on their time. i wanna be alone right now anyhow."
That wasn't a total lie. I did want to be alone. For a few reasons really.. 
"Alright, suit yourself!"
She immediately runs toward the couple shouting inquiries.

After heading down to the beach i sat a pondered on a few things. The waves drowned my voice so i began singing to myself. 
"O land, holder of waters
what will become of me
will you not guide me
O skies, beholder of all
guide my heart
guide my mind
O how may one so full of fear find their way home
i can't do this on my own
may i fall victim to love or of age
please.. i need a sign."
The waves didn't cover my voice as well as i hoped because someone sat next to me and spoke.
I nearly hopped out of my skin at the sudden noise.
"GyA!! How long have you been there?!"
"'O how may one so-'"
"okay okay i got it. Yeah i'm homesick.." 
"Then go home."
Confused as how everyone i know up until now knows i cant go home, i look up. The being i saw was unlike anything i had seen before now. He was only the size of my torso, covered in black messy fur and had a look in his eye that claimed he was up to no good.
"Hey now, don't stare. It's rude to do so!"
"Sorry i- uh, i just don't think we have met."
He held out a little hand which i shook.
"I'm Stinky."
"You shouldn't talk ill of yourself."
"I wasn't i-"
"I know, My friends told me about you haha."
Not a moment of quiet passes before he takes my hand and pulls me toward the water.
"C'mon, you wanted to go home!"
"Not now, not- i'm not ready-Stinky-st-please!"
Just as my feet felt water rush over them adrenalin kicked in full throttle from the fear and i managed to body slam him. My boots sank in the wet sand as i took off with all my might to get away from the water. Into the grass i ran, over puddles i lept. Ran and ran till i saw my friends. By this point tears streamed down my face and i couldn't see well enough to stop in time.
I ran right into Snufkin and we fall to the mud. I was crying too hard to apologize but he seemed to understand after seeing my face. My friends gathered around and tried to console me and find out why i was in such a state. I clung to The closest and sobbed till i was able to stop myself. 
another gasping sob escapes me.
"I met Stinky and.."
They gather closer, listening intently.
"He tried pulling me into the ocean an-and as you know... i'm scared of the ocean.. i have good reason to be.."
For the first time anyone had seen, Snufkin wasn't his usual calm and collected self. He held me in a tight embrace and assured me everything would be okay, that Stinky can never hurt me again. In that moment, i don't think i could have believed that from anybody else. 

Soon later we are gathered around the camp fire listening to Snufkins stories and new songs. Eventually its near sundown and everyone heads back home. I stay behind to talk to Snufkin.
"hey, uh, thanks for catching me earlier.. I'm terribly sorry i mowed you down like i did. i was so hurt i-"
"Kestret, it's fine. I could emphasize with the extremeness of your feelings is all."
"you..emphasize? with my feelings? In what way?"
"Oh, nothing. Forget i said anything."
I didn't want to push him so i left it be.
"Well okay, i aught to head back now."
I got up and promptly went home. 

Still pondering on how Snufkin meant by what he said i simply walked past everyone. I knew Moomin and Little My would explain why i seemed so tired out.

That night, i lay awake running through my mind what someone like Snufkin could be afraid of. Someone so calm and collected like that. It must be so that someone that spends his time alone fears next to nothing nor have no worry. Maybe i should have pushed for answers.. I thought to myself all night. Maybe i don't want answers. yeah, that's it.. all i want is to get home.. but what if i don't get home? 

Eventually i fell asleep in the window sill.

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