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I did put off returning to Moomin valley until the later part of that day though. We had dinner together and caught up some. Later in the night i put my mask back on, tugged on the yarn and returned.

"Here, its special soap to cleanse you my queen."
The mermaid queen took the bottle and thanked me profusely as i set back to the surface.

Now a life of adventure and lack of worry may begin. From now on, all my entries will be of my adventures. 

when i got to the beach i crawled to the sand and lay as to dry myself in the sand. My hair matted to my face and my clothes clung uncomfortably everywhere. The valley was only a couple hours after sun down, i could tell by the sand being still hot in the higher areas. I needed to let everyone know.. But how would they take it? Once my clothes were just damp i picked up my cloak and shook the sand out before making my way back home. 

Moomin was waiting with Little My on the veranda steps. 
"Where have you been?"
"Yeah, Snufkin wouldn't tell us but we found your cloak on the beach."
I looked to the ground, too ashamed for running off to say anything. 
"We thought you drowned.."
Moomin got up and ran into my arms and hugged me while tears threatened to fall from his soft blue eyes. We entered the house arm in arm and sat down. I waited to speak for a few minutes, not knowing how to tell them.
"... i have news."
By now Moominmama and papa were in the room with us and all eyes were on me intently.
"I found a way back. Back to where i came from.."
Moominmama clapped her paws together softly and congratulated me while the tears that threatened Moomins eyes managed to fall.
"..So.. you're leaving us for good?.."
I began to cry to which made him think his fears were so. I took his paw and My's hand in mine and sniveled through a smile. 
"Of course not.. I cant leave my home." 
"W-what do you mean?"
"What i mean is, i'm going to spend fall and winter with my parents. I will return in spring just like Snufkin and begin."
I had helped him wipe away his tears from the damp fur and then dried my own as well as i could.
"Yes, i will begin to build my own home and live my days in Moomin valley. That other place used to be my home but i have grown so much as a person here, this is my real home now."
Little My took my hand and we danced in the center of the room while we all laughed and beamed. 
"But fall is tomorrow.. You and Snufkin both leave.."
"Yes but you hibernate so it wont feel like a horridly long time."
"Are you sure you cant stay?"
Moominmama and papa came to theirs sons side. 
"I'm sorry son. Think of it this way, if you had been away from home for three years, would you want to come visit your folks?"
"Well Kestrets folks deserve to see her after all this time. It's only for the fall and winter."

I set out to the other side of the river and sat with my confidante for the past few days. 
"So, you're leaving tomorrow?"
Snufkin washed his bowl in the river and packed it away while nodding gently in his usual way.
"Yes. Did you find a way back?"
"Mhm.. i set out tomorrow when you do."
He sat at my side and looked to the clear sky, following with his eyes a couple leaves the breeze shook loose. 
"It was nice meeting you. I'm glad you ended up being a good sort of person."
"Yes, i'm glad to have you as a friend Snufkin."
"Will you return?"
"Mhm, in the spring, just like you."

We sat in the quiet autumn night for an hour or so before i let the tiredness get to me. I stood up and set for Moomin house for the night. 
"See you off tomorrow, Snuf."
"And you, Kest."

That night i crawled into bed and went straight to sleep. Tomorrow was a big day..

In the morning i dashed out the door to meet with Moomin who was saying his last goodbyes to Snufkin. 
"Hey! Snufkin i got something for your travels,"
I stepped forward cheekily and stuck my hands in my pockets.
"Its.. its some kisses."
Both boys looked like they were going to keel over. Quickly i pulled a handful of foil wrapped chocolates and handed them over. Snufkins face was as red as a fallen leaf.
"The candy is called kisses ahahaha!"
"I-i see."
"Well i'll see you next spring Snufkin, safe travels."

On our way back to the house moomin nudged my arm, still a little in shock of what he thought i was suggesting.
"That wasn't very funny, we both nearly died back there."
"That was the idea, silly."

Back in the house i packed my things and sat down for one last meal with my friends before leaving. I brought some candies for everyone to share.
"So i did see my parents last night. Picked these up for you guys as a goodbye."
From my bag i pulled a sack of hard candies and chocolates.
"Make sure Sniff gets some too?"
With this i hugged everyone individually and stepped to the door, before turning around.
"Aight, i'm bouta head out."

At the beach i took a moment to look out at the horizon.
"You are Snufkins friend?"
i slowly turned around to see someone i had not yet seen yet. He looked familiar.
"See you next year perhaps."
I dove in and went back to the world that i no longer belonged in. Back for the cold months to soften my return.

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