learn to repeat the past

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Still shook up from my last visit i decided this day would be one of respite. I'd planned to not leave the house. Rather, i hung around Moominpapas study. 
"yes Kestret?"
"Tell me a story?"
"Well sure,"
I sat by at the side of his desk and listened close while he lay the quill down.
"Back when i was around your age, maybe younger, i was aboard a ship. Now i know you don't like the waters but this story i think you will like. I was aboard with my new friends. One like Snufkin, one like Sniff and our captain whom was like Snork. A storm had arisen on the sea and we thought we were done for. The storm drew ever closer and the waves thrashed."
I was metaphorically on the edge of my seat. I wanted to know how he survived.
"How did you get out??"
"A cloud."
"Yes, it wasn't a common cloud. This one was thick, so that you could stand and hop on it."
I sat wide eyed. How can you sit on a cloud in a literal way? I had piped in too much already so i kept my mouth shut.
"It clung to the sides and mast of the ship. This cloud became a sail, or some such thing, and lifted us above the waves. Above the waves then above the clouds. We flew beyond the rough sea and weather then the cloud began to dissipate. It vanished, bringing us down."
I was holding my breath at this point. Did they crash? Was the ship blown to smithereens? Was anyone hurt?
"As the cloud was bringing us down, we came over an island. We all thought we would die! But the descent was gentle enough so that we landed rough but the ship and crew were all fine. I cant say the same for the rock wall we hit though."
"Was that Moomin island?"
"No, that's a different story. That's all i can tell you today Kestret."
"Oh thank you Moominpapa! What a lovely adventure. It almost makes me want to try getting in water again. M-maybe not the ocean or a river any time soon but still.."
"I understand. Maybe your friends can help?"
With one more inspired thanks i set out to find my pals. Its time i learned to swim..

A while of looking i found Snufkin. He was by the stream, fishing.
"So where is everybody?"
"Out playing hide n seek."
Sometimes i don't know how to respond to his simple responses. I stepped forward awkwardly.
I took a seat next to him.
"Iv'e been thinking about the ocean. and.. well i think i need to do something similar to get back. can you..-i mean, if you felt like it- teach me to swim?"
"Yes. Later."
"Oh thank you! i'd rather not go in a moving body of water yes though."
"Understandable. I know a place but i don't want anyone to find it. It's too serine."
I blushed lightly as if he had flirt with me but i later found he really was trying to preserve the peaceful places.

That night i went home and threw on my swim suit and confidence. You can do this, you can swim! Just as I put my hair back, which had now grown past my shoulders, a whistle was heard outside my window. Moomin and i both put our heads out our windows and below was Snufkin. Snufkin explained to Moomin that he was going to try teaching me to swim so he stayed behind so i could focus. Moomin did, however, allow me to use his ladder to get outside.
The night was beautiful, a full moon made all the nature appear various grey and blue tones. Snufkin lead the way through the deep forest to a pond i never knew existed. Lined with boulders and rocks reassured me i wouldn't sink in sand or mud. I undressed so that i was in my bikini top and shorts then stood at the edge. 
"I can do this.. I can't sink here.."
One foot after the other i ease in while Snufkin Removed his cloak and got in too. He swam to the other side and instructed me on how to paddle in the simplest way. 
"Now, come to me. I won't let you drown Kestret."
Hesitantly i doggie paddled to the other side. 
"See? It's fine."
He aided me in a few more tiny laps till i was confident then he got out, in hope i would try it alone.
"I'm still not ready to do it alone!"
I got out and we sat on the rocks while we drip dried in the heat soaked in by the rocks, given generously by the sun in previous days. It was quiet, all that could be heard was the water still rippling against the rocks gently and the breeze that carried spring flowers perfume. The quiet at night was always something i found reassuring back in my original home. As safe as it made me feel, words tugged at my soul.
"Words that are unknown
those unneeded 
i speak in vain
how the sky maps the past
it guides those in the future
 silently guiding
silently we are guided
water pulled me from this
from the sacred loop
all in order to find it again.."
At that point, while i shared my poetry for the first time in person, i knew i had made a few good friends here. I was happy.
"Your poetry is mused by experience isn't it? Very similar to my songs."
"Yes, This one is from the silence we enjoy and how i'm learning to no longer fear water that's higher than my knee."

Later after we had dried and got our cloaks and such back on we headed back. Leaving him at his tent we bid farewell for the night. Never had i imagined i would need to learn to swim until coming to Moomin Valley. 

Now i was back in bed i lay and thought about that pond. Should i go there alone? Should i ask his aid once more? I know he likes to be alone but its such help. Tired out from the night though, i finally pushed aside my excitement enough to dose.

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