Go Babygirl

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Chapter 17 | Go Babygirl | Keisha In Media

Keisha 💋

I woke up to my alarm remembering it's Monday. I have a volleyball game today and I'm not feeling it. I got dressed knowing these last 2 weeks were my last time being a damn teacher. I eventually got to the school for everybody staring at me.

Sky walked up to me in a panicked voice.

"Bitch you know it's defectives that want to speak to you."


"Angel, they said she went "missing" and some people said they saw her last at your house based off Dave Snapchat."

I laughed, "Girl okay."

"Ms.Buchanan." A bad taste in my mouth formed as I recognized that voice.

"Detective Lincoln," I stared her down.

She's the same woman who let the guys who jumped my brother walk because one of them was her son. Then made Travis go to jail for 3 years because she framed him.

"Well based off my hearing about you, you're just like your brothers," She said smiling.

"Oh, bitch you want to go there?," I said walking closer.

"You stepping up to me?"

"Yeah, it depends on the next words that come out yo dirty lying ass mouth."

The hallway got quiet.

"I didn't come here for that, came here to ask you a couple of questions."


"Oh don't play that role, you know I'm here to talk about Angel. I hear y'all had some miscommunication."

"You hear a lot of things and you only hear it from yourself. I don't have time for this."

I started to walk away as she began to raise her voice louder so everybody could hear.

"Why can't you just tell everyone that you're the murderer of Angel Simmons, Ms.Buchanan."

Gasped fill the silence as some people's mouth flew open. I walked back to her just inches away from her face.

"Am I getting arrested?"

"Of course not until I get some evidence murderer."

"Then we have nothing to discuss, I have somewhere to be. Now go try and ruin somebody else life, because," I stopped myself to whisper the last part.

"I and you both know you don't want to step to me Lincoln. Why don't you tell everyone how you a dirty cop since speaking on bullshit."

"I'll ruin your life where you continue to stand at Buchanan."

"I suggest you think twice of what you say to me, don't act like you don't know who my brother is."

"Is that a threat?"

"You damn right it is, now gets the fuck out my school."

Dave walked up to me telling me to come on once people started to record.

"Davonte Eastern, May I have a word with you?"

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