Johto - Chapter 1

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Ash POV ~

So today is the day I'm actually leaving home to travel the world with my best boyfriend in the whole wide world to see all there is to see but also train our Pokemon, because we still want to be the best Pokemon trainers.

I grabbed a huge duffel bag from the basement to stuff with things I need from home and my clothes. But I don't know how many clothes I will need. We will be gone for at least a year so obviously I need to wash my clothes every once in a while because no one has that many clothes. Besides Gary didn't even tell me how we are going to travel...

That's when I heard the horn of a car hoot and my mom yelling at me from downstairs. "Ash, Gary is here." The excitement was visible in her voice, but so was the disappointment. I was going to leave her for a whole year. She was going to be alone for a whole year. Well, almost. At least she has her Pokemon.

I was still throwing stuff in my bag, taking stuff out and stuffing it again with different things. When I thought I was close to being done with packing my stuff I heard footsteps in the hall. The doorknob to my room clicked and I turned to see who was entering. Not I was expecting it to be any one else besides my lovely boyfriend. No one else comes into this house and my mom would have at least knocked on the door.

"Ash, what are you doing?" He laughed at me sweetly and hugged me. I couldn't hold back a blush. I cleared my throat. "Uhm... Packing?" He laughed again. "Yes, I can see that much. But why is everything you have spread on the floor and your bed? You weren't actually going to try and fit everything in that bag. Were you?"

I blushed even more. "You were?" He asked me surprised. "Yeah, well. I don't know what to take and what not to take with me okay. You haven't told me anything besides that we're going to travel the world together."

"Just the things you need, think about when you go on vacation." I thought about it for a moment. I decided to ask him what he took. "What did you pack?" He shook his head. "Not really anything. Everything I need is right here, in my arms." That's me? That's so sweet of him to say.

I pressed my lips on his. We stood like that in my room for a few moments but we actually had to hurry if we still wanted to leave early. We wanted to make it as far as possible. "Ash, I'll see you downstairs by my car in a few minutes okay. Hurry up a bit with packing."

"I will." I gave him one more lingering kiss on the lips and he left my room again. One more time I took everything out my bag. I stuffed two third of the bag with clothes. Long jeans, capri jeans, t-shirt, long sleeves, sweaters and tank tops. I was already wearing my favorite jeans, black t-shirt and jean jacket. My cap backwards on my head and my old sneakers. The other one third space in my bag I packed with private stuff like pictures, books, my portable game console with a few games and so on.

In my backpack I had a set of plates and cutlery for us both, the blanket we used so often, my phone plus its charger, my mp3 player and pokeballs. Okay, I think I'm ready now.

Determined I walked down the stairs with my backpack on my back, duffel bag in one hand and Pikachu in my other arm. He refused to go in his ball this morning so I decided to carry him around for the time being.

Gary POV ~

I was waiting for Ash in the car. He took a lot of time to finish packing. But right when I was starting to get really impatient with him, his face popped around the front door and he carried his stuff outside.

When he saw my newly bought jeep his eyes widened and his mouth fell open. "Did you buy a new car for this?"

I rubbed my neck, kind of feeling uncomfortable about this. "Uhm we, I bought this for us both. I hope you're okay with that?"

"That's awesome Gary, but no I'm not. I don't want you to spent everything you have on a new car for us both. At least let me pay you back half of it." He was serious about this but I got this as a surprise for him. "No I can't do that. Let's see it as a gift for our month anniversary?"

"No Gary, I love you, you know that, but this is too much." He not going to let this go is he? "Okay well you either accept it now or be stubborn about it till the end but I'm not going to return and this baby is going to us everywhere we want to go." He sighed, pretending to let it go, but he hasn't and I can see that in his eyes.


Okay, that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed reading and until next time? :)


Beebee out :3

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