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"Give me your phone."

Jungwoo looked up from the device, seeing his towering boyfriend above him. He slightly titled his head in confusion. Seojun gave him a blank stare before snatching the phone from his hands.


"Shut up."

Jungwoo told him the password long ago, as Seojun threatened to destroy the phone if he didn't. Feeling helpless, he just watched from below while Seojun scrolled through everything. There was nothing remotely bad on his phone, and yet sweat fell from his brow.

Seojun's eyes widened at something. He turned the phone around, revealing the list of people he followed on Instagram. He clicked on a profile.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"His name is Nam Joohyuk... he's just a model."

"You probably think his body is better, don't you? I guess you haven't seen mine in a while...should I show you?"

Jungwoo shook his head innocently. Seojun leaned down and took Jungwoo's face in his hands. "You can't look at him anymore. And your account has to be private from now on. You're not allowed to accept any requests." Seojun angrily threw the phone back at him and walked out into the kitchen.

Jungwoo frowned and looked down at his hands, hearing the faint murmur of the TV in front of him.


That night, Jungwoo went out with his friends. Nights like these were rare, but they were his only escape from Seojun. His friend group all knew how horrible his boyfriend was and they all offered to help but Jungwoo would decline. He loved Seojun as much as his friends didn't.

While they were out at dinner, Jaehyun decided to bring up the topic. "Hey Zeus, have you ditched that douche yet?"

Jungwoo shook his head.

Yuta slammed his hand on the table. "Why not? He's ridiculous!"

"That doesn't change the fact that I love him."

"You and I have very different definitions of love, then."

Jungwoo shrugged.

The rest of their dinner was pretty nice, actually. They all had a lot of fun conversating about their love lives and school and such. Afterwards, they went to an amusement park. It was very dark outside, so the entire part was lit. It was a beautiful sight.

Every one of his friends were with their partners, and Jungwoo could only think of how much a shame it was that he couldn't be with his. Seojun told him he could go alone, so long as he's home before midnight.

It was around 11, so they still had time.

At the end of the night, they went and visited the cemetery in Hongdae. It was behind an old apartment complex, just barely out of sight of sidewalk passerby. The five of them walked far back and gathered around the grave at the corner.

Jungwoo knelt down. He knew he wasn't ready to come back. He began to cry into his palms as he, very hysterically, threw himself onto the gravestone. Yuta joined him on the ground and rubbed his back, lowering his head as well.

Taeyong set flowers down and stood with his back completely straight, assuming that his posture would prevent his tears from falling. He soon learned that this was not the case and proceeded to sob into Jaehyun's shoulder.

Sicheng put his hand on Yuta's arm and pulled him up from the ground, Jungwoo following him. He lead the five out of the cemetery before they shed anymore tears.

They walked with their heads down for the rest of the way. After stopping by almost everyone's house to drop them off, Jaehyun and Jungwoo were the only ones left. Jaehyun bid him goodbye as they finally reached Jungwoo's complex.

Walking up the metal stairs, Jungwoo checked his watch. He saw that it read 12:06.

I'm gonna die. He thought as he began sprinting up to the door.

He walked in with caution; he knew something would happen to him for coming home late. He didn't see Seojun in the living room and figured he may potentially be safe for the night if he was already asleep.

However, he was proven wrong when he walked into his bedroom. Almost immediately upon opening the bedroom door, he felt a hand clasp around his throat as he was slammed against the wall. His hands pulled on the arm helplessly while Seojun only tightened his grip.

"I can't believe you have the audacity to come home late. You must've been doing something with them. Maybe cheating on me? You know I don't like that."

Jungwoo could feel himself getting dizzy as his brain wasn't getting any oxygen. While Seojun hit and yelled at him, he could only focus on his crushing headache. After a large and final punch to the face, things started to go dark.


He woke up in the morning (thankfully) in his own bed. Sitting up, he scanned the room, just to make sure he was alone. Once figuring out he was, he stood up carefully and walked over to the mirror. Every step was horrendous and achy; being punched didn't necessarily have the best after-feeling.

He looked at himself, seeing all the bruises and marks on his neck and face. The rubicund handprint was still fresh on his skin from the night before. His lips and eyes were puffy and swollen due to the beating.

Jungwoo changed his clothes as there were some blood stains from his once-bleeding mouth. The faint taste of copperish blood was still on his tongue.

He walked out into the living room, looking for his love. Seojun wasn't there, but Jungwoo could see a slight outline of his body through the curtains. He smiled and hopped outside, finding Seojun smoking a cigarette.

"Stop smiling, you look ugly. What do you want?"

"I wanted to stay with you."

Seojun took the cigarette out of his mouth and spit off the balcony. "I don't want you to stay. Get away from me." Instead of putting the cigarette back in his mouth or in the ash tray, he took Jungwoo's arm and put it out.

Jungwoo yelped in pain from the burn. Seojun growled and slapped him. "Shut up." He said sternly, getting awfully close to his face.

Jungwoo nodded and went back inside. He layed down on the couch and watched the news. However, his interest got sidetracked.

How did he end up in this relationship? Was what was going on normal? Did he really love Seojun? There were some questions that couldn't be answered. Yet, there was still one that could:

Am I safe here?



So as you can see, I've started another book. As much as I liked the idea of The Last Romeo, I'm not feeling it as much and I just really wanted to start this before I forgot about it.

I wouldn't get too worried about the rest of this book cause honestly this might end up being the darkest chapter.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a nice day/night!💓💗💗

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