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Jungwoo had been with Seojun for three years now. He knew he wasn't always this way. He used to be soft and sweet. He used to do romantic things and show affection.

But now, he's changed. If there was one thing Jungwoo knew, it was that this was not the Seojun he fell in love with.

Not the one that hits him and burns him and yells at him. Not the one that doesn't kiss him, hug him, or hold hands with him. Whatever this was, it wasn't right. It just took Jungwoo a while to figure that much out.

He has tried to separate before, but those times were when Seojun didn't yell. Those were times when he guilt-tripped him into staying together.

Jungwoo now had to face that fact that he was truly afraid of Seojun. Afraid he'd get hurt more than he already has been.

Jungwoo stepped into the near-silent room. Seojun, as he walked by, groped his backside harshly. Jungwoo frowned while Seojun sat down on the couch.

He hated how dirty Seojun made him feel. He hated that he would touch him like this in public, too.

Jungwoo sat down next to him and put his hand on top of Seojun's. Seojun, on instinct, pulled his hand away and instead, placed it in his lap.

"Junnie...Can I talk to you about something?"

Seojun sighed, "You better hurry up. Your voice is freaking annoying."

"I...I think we should...maybe...split up."

His boyfriend's eyes got sharp and stared him down. "You want to do what?"

"I-I don't know...I just don't really think we're clicking like we used to..."

"'Like we used to?' You're poor and pathetic! Your parents are like 400 miles away! I am part of the working class in South Korea! I provide for you! You would be dead if it weren't for me! You really want to see how long you'll survive on your own? Or do you wanna stay here like a good boy and live in middle class luxury?"

Jungwoo started crying due to the shouting. "I...I really think we should...at least take a break..."

Seojun forced his hand onto Jungwoo's forearm and pulled tightly. He moved the frail boy closer to him and slapped him across the face and, in his moment of excessive vulnerability, punched his gut twice: one with his left fist and once with his right.

Jungwoo's upper body thrusted forward in response as the blood in his lungs from the trauma spilled out of his mouth and caught on his lip.

Seojun's hand was filthy now more than ever, but he still didn't care. With Jungwoo pinned down on the sofa, he proceeded to punch, kick, and slap the life out of him, muttering things such as, "You're dead," and, "You can't leave."

This went on for a straight twenty minutes or so before Seojun grunted loudly and walked away, going into the kitchen where he had come from when Jungwoo first walked in. The last thing he said to him was: "I'll kill you before you do."

Jungwoo couldn't move for a few minutes; a lot of his body was numb from pain. When he was able to move his legs, he pushed himself up and stumbled into his bedroom like an intoxicated person and closed the door behind him.

He sank down to the floor and continued sobbing. He had to be careful not to be too loud, otherwise, Seojun would barge in and start another spiel. He caught a glimpse of the glare on his phone from the bed and crawled to get it.

Swiping to the emergency call, he phoned Yuta, as his number was the first he remembered. It rung a few times before he heard a raspy voice from the other end.


Jungwoo lay under his bed to muffle his voice from Seojun. "Junnie...he...he's gonna kill-" he mumbled through coughs and sobs.

"What? He's gonna kill what?"

"...me...help please..."

"Holy heck, Zeus! I'm calling 119! Make sure you hide well and be quiet. I'll get another phone. Stay on the line with me, okay?"

Jungwoo hummed.


Another ten minutes later and he heard a loud bang on the door. Jungwoo knew who it was. Seojun didn't.

He heard the door open and listened to the conversation.

"What's your name?" An officer shouted.

"Kang Seojun...why are you here?"

He heard a loud thud and constant shouting. The one thing he heard clearly from Seojun after that was, "You'll die!" He knew it was directed towards him.

During the chaos, there was a very soft knock on the bedroom door. It slowly opened, revealing combat boots worn by an officer.

"Kim Jungwoo? It's okay, Mister Kang has been detained. My name is Lee Daeseok, you're gonna be alright. You can come out now."

Jungwoo slowly inched out from under the bed, meeting the officer face to face. He wiped his nose with his sleeve before Daeseok put his hand on his back and led him into his own living room. They passed a tackled and handcuffed Seojun on the floor as they moved out the front door.

Standing on the front porch in piles of cigarette butts, Daeseok pulled out a notepad and began asking him questions. They were simple ones that were easily answered too, but one caused him to hesitate.

"So if this has been going on for more than 19 months, why didn't you come to us before?"

Jungwoo choked up. "I don't...I don't know sir..."

Daeseok smiled and him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Listen, you'll be alright, just like I said earlier. You can get some financial aid from the federal government for a few months, but this apartment is going to be sold since Kang Seojun is the only listed homeowner. Got any friends you can stay with?"

He nodded. "A few..."

"Then I'd suggest staying with them for the time being, or at least until you get back on your feet. You'll be okay, man. I'll drive you to one of your friends' houses. Tell me where to go?"

Jungwoo smiled through his tears as he got into Daeseok's patrol car.


So eventful and so quick, right? Kinda feel like this sucks, not gonna lie (but tbh it prob does).

I can hardly say I'm proud of this so I don't really know how else to feel. I'd love to know what you all think of it so far, though!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a nice day/night!❤️💋💗

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