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Jungwoo woke up the next morning calmly. He rolled over on his side and immediately regretted it, as he had forgotten that his arm was still healing. He let out a groan of pain.

He felt a shift in the room and looked around with his sleepy eyes. He finally put a face to the noise when he saw Lucas sitting up.

"Are you alright?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

Jungwoo stuttered. How could someone possibly be so attractive? "Y-yes..."

"Are you hurt?"

"W-we'll...I-I just was laying on my arm...I'm fine now..."

Lucas hummed.

Jungwoo's heart skipped. Why?

He watched as Lucas leaned over to his other side, grabbing his phone and checking the time. He turned back. "It's a little too early for breakfast, would you like me to help you wash your hair?"

Jungwoo's eyes darted away. "I-I mean...I guess."

Lucas sat up and pointed to the bathroom. "Good. In here?" His response was a nod.

Jungwoo didn't move from his bed until he heard the bath-water running and Lucas calling for him. He took off the sling and left it on the nightstand.

He was eyed up and down when he walked into the bathroom, almost as if Lucas was waiting for him to do something. When he realized what it was, he turned red. He pointed the opposite way. "Look over there..."

Lucas chuckled and obeyed, not peeking at all while Jungwoo undressed and got in the bath. He faced the wall of the tub so that the back of his head was facing Lucas.

"You can come over now...just don't...don't look at me..."

Jungwoo was already hesitant to go along anyways; he had many bruises and scars that would be visible to Lucas even when half his body was turned away. He hoped he wouldn't see them.

Lucas walked up to him and kneeled down. Jungwoo could hear him rolling up his sleeves and lathering his hands together in soap.

As his hair was washed, Jungwoo felt like he could fall asleep. He was very relaxed. His muscles were no longer tense from fear of Lucas. For the most part, he was fine.

Lucas took the shower head down and pressed it to Jungwoo's scalp, rinsing out the shampoo. When he was done he let the shower head hang, not being bothered to put it back up. His fingers lingered on Jungwoo's head and trailed down to his neck and soon, his upper back.

Jungwoo arched his back at the touch. It was a little foreign to him. Lucas continued to trace softly and neither said anything, leaving them in complete, utter silence.

But that didn't answer any questions. Why was he touching him like this? And why so gently? Why was he not bashing him and destroying his frail body like Seojun did?

Tears started falling into the water. Lucas looked up from the ground.

"Why are you nice to me...?"


"Why are you different? Why do you care? Why do I feel safe with you? Why do I trust you? Lucas, I'm scared..."

Lucas sat there, not knowing what to do. He couldn't turn Jungwoo around and violate his privacy, but he also couldn't just let this pass by.

"Jungwoo, I don't know why I care so much either. But everything about you makes me want to stay here and make sure you're okay. I don't want anything to ever happen to you."

Jungwoo buried his face in his hands and sobbed. Lucas stood up and looked over at him one last time before he let him be, leaving him in the bathroom to finish washing up.

It was only after a few more minutes when he emerged wearing baggy, over-sized clothes and a tear-stained face. Lucas could see how red and puffy his eyes still were.

He sympathized with him and held his arms open while he sat on the bed. Jungwoo dove in carefully and felt Lucas' arms embrace him as he cried once again.

Lucas tried to pull away so he could look at his face but Jungwoo only pulled him tighter, taking fistfuls of the back of Lucas' shirt. Lucas put his chin on top of Jungwoo's head.

While Jungwoo was stuffed into Lucas' chest, he was overwhelmed by the strong scent present. He couldn't believe how good he smelled.

Jungwoo finally pulled away and looked down at his lap as Lucas wiped away his tears with his fingers. He couldn't help but question everything Lucas did.

"Whether there's a reason or not, I'm here because I care about you, okay?"

"But why don't you ever get angry with me? Why don't you hit me like-"

He stopped mid-sentence. There was a silence.

"Is that what you're afraid of?"

Jungwoo fiddled with his thumbs. Based on the quietude, Lucas assumed the answer. His heart nearly broke in two. Jungwoo didn't distance himself because he didn't like him, he did it because he was scared.  Lucas took Jungwoo's hand.

"I will never ever hurt you, understand? You should be treated right. Like a human being. I'll treat you like that, I promise. I'll take good care of you."

Jungwoo didn't know what to do with his gratitude and overwhelming feelings. He ran out of tears to cry and couldn't possibly suffocate Lucas with hugs. So, in the heat of the moment, he reached his head up, moving closer to Lucas' face.

Lucas noticed it a lot sooner than Jungwoo had anticipated. He seemed to have understood the gesture exactly as it was. Jungwoo had stopped moving at this point but completely lost the ability to when Lucas grabbed either side of his face lightly and connected their lips together.

It was a blissful feeling.

It seemed like everything it was supposed to be: sweet, soft, and at the perfect time. Jungwoo didn't want it to stop.

When Lucas pulled away for air first, he was met with a blank Jungwoo. He touched his lips. "You..."


"You kissed me..."

"Did you not like it?"

Jungwoo turned unbelievably red and fell back onto his bed. Lucas fell back with him. They would've gone to sleep again had it not been for the shouts of their names. However, they had yet to move.

They just laid there on the bed, fingers intertwined.


s o f t

I'm getting a big obsessed with the omegaverse... I was thinking about writing one once I finish with this. Thoughts?

Besides that, my teacher got married recently! I'm really happy for her but I also feel bad. She couldn't have a full length honeymoon since she couldn't take more days off (today is her fifth and final day).

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a nice day/night!😍😍😍

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