Chapter Sixteen

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McKenna looked up as the ultrasound technician came into the room, and Loki's hand tightened about hers. She met his gaze and asked, “Do we want to know?”

He nodded. “I wish to, this time.”

“Okay. Then we’ll find out.”

“Hi there, Mrs. Laufeyson. How’re you feeling today?”

“I’m fine. A little tired. And my ribs are bruised from being kicked, but I’m okay otherwise.”

“Good.” The tech smiled as McKenna lifted her shirt. “So, this isn’t your first?”

McKenna shook her head, glancing up at Loki. “Our second. We have a little boy at home, too.”

“Little boys are nice. How old is your son?”

Loki flinched as the tech squirted the Doppler jelly onto McKenna's belly, but she only gasped from the cold. “Selig is three.”

“Selig?” The tech looked from her to Loki and back. “That’s an unusual name. Are you Norwegian, Mr. Laufeyson?”

Loki gave McKenna's hand a squeeze. “More or less.”

“Well, do you have names picked out for this one?” The tech held the wand over McKenna's stomach and began moving it slowly.

McKenna felt her heart speed up and her smile widened at the image of their baby on the ultrasound screen. She glanced up at Loki and tears stung the backs of her eyes at the look of wonder on his face as his eyes were riveted on the screen. “Not really.”

“Well, everything looks wonderful.” The tech smiled down at her. “Do you want to know the baby’s sex?”

Loki nodded. “We do.”

The tech glanced from him to her. “Mom?”

McKenna gave Loki's hand a squeeze. “We do.”

“If I were you,” the tech moved the wand slightly, “I would think more along the lines of girls’ names, Mrs. Laufeyson.” She looked up. “Because you are having a baby girl.”

McKenna smiled, lifting her gaze back to Loki. “Told you.”

The look he gave her in return was enough to make her nearly melt. “I cannot wait to meet her.”

“Soon, love,” she replied, squeezing his hand again. “Soon.”


“So,” McKenna slipped her arm through Loki's, hugging his against her as they stepped out into the cold, gray November mist, “do you have any ideas for names?”

“What was your mother’s name, love?” he asked softly, gazing down at her.

“Her name was Aislinn. But everyone called her Al.” She smiled up at him as he flicked his fingers and the mist swirled everywhere but on them.

“Aislinn.” Loki nodded slowly. “I do like it. If it wouldn’t upset you too much to use it?”

“No, I don’t think it would.”

Loki tugged the car keys from the pocket of his overcoat. He’d finally mastered the art of driving in New Jersey shortly after they moved to Hunterdon County, and took great pride in the sleek black Ford Mustang he bought not long after getting his license. And, much to McKenna's chagrin, his driver’s license picture was absolutely perfect.

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