"I think we're alone now
There doesn't seem to be anyone around
I think we're alone now,
The beating of our hearts is the only sound."
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{ Diego x OC }
| Based off of Season One Of Umbrella Academy |
(Completed 3/24/19 and now just writ...
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Emilia groaned slightly as Five helped her get out of the car. Her hand flew down to hold her side and she balanced herself while the boy gave her a concerned look. "You okay?" He asked softly. "I'll be fine," she assured him, giving him a small smile before ruffling his hair.
Five didn't even care if he was really fifty years old. Something about being under Emilia's motherly gaze and affection made him feel like the thirteen year old that he looked like. So Five just smiled at the girl as she wrapped an arm around him before they began walking up to the house of Harold Jenkins or, as they knew him, Leonard Peabody.
"Be careful, okay? We don't know what Peabody's capable of," Allison told them as they made their way up the stairs. "Yeah, he didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him," Diego replied. "Looked kinda scrawny."
"Yeah, well, so are most serial killers and mass murderers. I mean, look at him," Allison muttered as she gestured towards Five. "Thanks," the boy said. "Good point," Diego said. "Not to mention this is the dude who brings on the apocalypse or at least has a part in it. If he was able to kill us the first time, what's stopping him from doing it a second time?" Emilia asked.
"Another good point," Diego said with a nod of his head. "So what's this guy want with Vanya?" "I don't know. How about we ask him after we kill him?" Five asked sarcastically. Five, Diego, and Emilia made it to the top of the stairs while Allison went around the back.
Diego quickly held a hand out in front of the two. "Whoa, whoa. Hey, look. I'm gonna burst through—" he trailed off once he realized Allison wasn't nearby. "You know what? It would be nice for people to stick to—" Five spatial jumped away before he could finish the sentence. "—the plan," Diego sighed.
Emilia gave the boy a small smile and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm still here," she told him as she gave him a smile that made his heart skip a beat. "And this is why I love you," Diego said before he leaned over and kissed her cheek softly making her blush.
"Okay, Romeo. What's the plan?" she asked. Diego chuckled at her flustered state before looking at the door. "I'm gonna break through the window," he said with a small shrug. "Wait, but what if the door's already-" she never got to finish her sentence for Diego had rushed forward before crashing into the window and tumbling inside.
Emilia winced at the sound of Diego hitting the ground before he yelled, "Ah!" She quickly rushed forward and looked through the window to see Diego lying in a pile of glass. "You okay there, Hotshot?" She asked, a teasing yet concerned look on her face. Diego only groaned in response while Five and Allison walked up.
"Subtle," Allison said while Emilia looked down at the door handle. She shrugged before twisting the knob, the door instantly popping open once she did. Diego looked up from the ground in frustration while Five and Allison smirked. "The door was open the whole time?" Diego asked in annoyance. "I tried to tell you," Emilia muttered making the boy roll his eyes.