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before I start this chapter, I wanted to hear your guys' opinions. what kind of stuff would you like to see happen in this book? any scenes that you want Emilia to be in or people you want her in to interact with more?

what about flashback scenes? would you like more of those?

keep in mind that this is a Diego book, so Emilia will end up being around him a lot more, but would you all still like to see scenes where it's just her and Five or just her and Klaus? let me know by leaving a comment!!

this chapter is going to be the one where you all really see how the group broke up or more specifically, how Emilia ended things with everyone. this will be quite long since I want to put how they all parted ways in one chapter. so be prepared for a pretty emotional chapter :) I hope you all like it! sorry if it sucks 😬😂

 so be prepared for a pretty emotional chapter :) I hope you all like it! sorry if it sucks 😬😂

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10 years ago. . .

She shouldn't have left.

That was the only thing running through her head as Emilia stared at the newly built statue of her brother Ben that stood before her. She shouldn't have left him. She shouldn't have listened when he told her to go ahead, that he would be fine. She should've trusted her gut which had been telling her to stay back.

Then maybe Ben would be alive and here with her.

But she hadn't listened to her gut. . .she hadn't stayed. . .and now Ben was dead and it was all her fault.

Ben had been gone for a few days now and Emilia hadn't moved an inch from her spot in front of the statue Hargreeves had had made for him. No one bothered trying to move her. She was too broken and upset to listen to their reasoning.

So Pogo and Grace would take turns bringing food and other things that she needed while she stayed outside and that was the only form of interaction she had with anyone. Emilia didn't care that she was dirty and greasy from sitting outside for days now. She didn't care that her hair was knotted so much that a bird could live in it.

She didn't care. . .

A rush of cold wind blew against her, but Emilia didn't even shiver. She was numb to the cold, just like she had grown numb to the ache in her chest.

She hadn't seen anyone but Pogo and Grace since the funeral. Everyone was trying to keep their distance while they also tried to adjust to this new life where yet another brother of theirs was gone.

She knew he would watch her. It was Diego's way of checking up on her without making her more upset or drawing up suspicion. He would stand near the window of his bedroom and just watch her, a sad look on his face and concerned filled eyes.

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