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"Piece of shit!" Diego yelled as he kicked opened the back door that led to his room in the boxing place

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"Piece of shit!" Diego yelled as he kicked opened the back door that led to his room in the boxing place. Five and Luther instantly stood up in surprise while Diego ran over to them and lunged at Five. Luther quickly grabbed the boy and was surprised to see that he was crying and covered in blood.

"Do you have any idea what you just did?" Diego cried out as he struggled against the boy's grasp. "Nope, let me— Get your ape hands off of me!"

Luther had picked him up off the ground now and he struggled against his grasp, his feet swinging in the air as he did so. "I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down," Luther told him.

To his surprise, Diego went still in his arms and began to cry. Luther blinked and stared at the boy in shock before letting him go. Diego instantly went down onto his knees and put his head into his hands as his whole body shook from his sobs.

Five and Luther glanced at each other before looking back at Diego. "Diego?" Luther questioned. "Wanna tell us what you're talkin' about and why you're covered in blood?"

"It's her blood," Diego cried out. "Who's blood?" Five asked. Diego's eyes flickered up to the boy and he gave him a deathly gaze. "You've been pretty busy since you've got back, huh?" Diego asked, tears still streaming down his face while his hands clenched into fists. He looked to Luther and said, "He was in the middle of the shootout at Griddy's, and then at Gimble Brothers, after the guys in masks attacked the Academy, looking for him."

"None of which is any of your concern," Five told him, but Diego only shook his head. "It is now. They just killed my friend. They about killed-" Diego's voice broke off and he angrily hit his fist against the ground. "About killed who?" Luther asked.


The two froze. "They about killed Emilia," Diego whispered, his head going back into his hands as he tried to calm himself down. "They what?" Five asked angrily, a deathly glare on his face as he seemed to shake in anger. Cha Cha and Hazel had almost killed Emilia? His Emilia?

"Where is she?" Five asked as he got to his feet and went over to Diego. Diego just sobbed and Five gritted his teeth in anger before grabbing the boy by the collar. "Where is she?" He asked again.

Diego glared at Five and shoved him away before getting back on his feet and standing before him. "She's at the academy where Pogo is trying to save her life!" Diego yelled. "What happened?" Luther asked. "She went looking for Klaus and they. . .they shot her. She was able to turn invisible I guess, so they couldn't finish the job, but by the time I found her, she was barely breathing. She was barely alive. . ." Diego muttered.

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